ODGS, Inc. | Inventory Management System

Jose Mari Principio (ODGS Inc.) josemari at olivedrabgs.com
Tue Feb 25 07:40:12 UTC 2014

Dear Customer,

An Inventory System is one of any company's /*essential*/ system.  It 
supports to manage the update of inventory information for all items, 
monitoring item depletion, and monitoring purchased items /*for the 
organization or their clients*/.  The Inventory System serves the needs 
of end users like shoppers, business people, government, schools, 
hospitals, manufacturing and other businesses in most industries.

/*Challenges :*/

1. /*Inaccurate*/ number of material's availability / consumption.
2. /*Late*/ notification of low stocks due to manual checking.
3. /*Delayed*/ process of Purchase Request, Purchase Orders, etc.
4. /*Slow*/ report generation of stocks/inventory due to manual system.
5. /*Loss*/ of inventory items.

/*If you are experiencing these challenges, we would be glad to visit 
your office and discuss our solution.*/

Please see the attached file for further details.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon!

Best Regards,
Jose Mari Principio / Omac
Account Manager
Olive Drab Global Services, Inc. (http://www.olivedrabgs.com)
Suite 22, Zeta Building, 191 Salcedo Street, Legaspi Village,
Makati City 1229, Philippines
Cellphone : +63-935-850-5719
Landline  : +63-2-553-7405 (Reception)

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