Hello Everybody (bofh80)

Vincent Cheng vcheng at debian.org
Sat Jul 19 21:53:52 UTC 2014

Hi Anthony,

On Thu, Jul 17, 2014 at 1:29 AM, Anthony F McInerney <afm404 at gmail.com> wrote:
> So my nickname should give you an idea of usual job role and mentality. I've
> experience in BASIC, pascal, C, DOS batch files, some python and shell
> scripting, also anything microsoft.
> I've been using Debian since 2003, (97 / 98 was slackware / redhat, but not
> for long) on my laptop. Then as my main OS at home since 2005.
> I've recently released my own Debian-live spin called n00bix
> (sf.net/projects/n00bix or n00bix.outworlds.de) The source is all up on my
> github.
> I run this on my machines at home (it started life as a preseed file) and my
> kids use it too.
> One of the things they do in school is the platinum sandbox maker, and they
> came home couple of months ago and tried to install it, and it failed to
> download the data.
> Recently, started packaging terminology for Debian to include in my
> live-build, then decided to see if anything interesting was up for adoption
> and here I am.
> Got the latest version of sandboxmaker and am attempting to rebase the
> patches, already fixed the data source etc, so hopefully today or tomorrow
> I'll have a package up on mentors.
> Anyway, that's it bye for now.

Welcome to the team! If you haven't already done so, please request to
join the team on Alioth for commit access to the svn/git repos [1].
Also, discussion usually happens on
debian-devel-games at lists.debian.org [2], please subscribe to that list
(pkg-games-devel is the maintainer address for Games team packages and
as such, is mainly used for bug reports, uploads, etc.).

If you need a mentor once you have a package ready for review, please
use the Games team's sponsors queue. [3]


[1] https://alioth.debian.org/project/request.php?group_id=30862
[2] https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-games/
[3] https://wiki.debian.org/Games/Sponsors/Queue

More information about the Pkg-games-devel mailing list