Addition of german version for Maniac Mansion

Alexandre Detiste alexandre.detiste at
Sat Jun 13 23:39:58 UTC 2015

Le samedi 13 juin 2015 23:15:12, vous avez écrit :
> Hi all,
> here's the patch for the german version of Maniac Mansion, also taken 
> from the "Lucasarts Cartoon Adventures" CD.

Ok, applied. Thanks

I dropped the 'longname:', as it is now computed automatically.

|   if not package.longname and package.lang != 'en':
|        package.longname = self.longname + ' (%s)' % package.lang

> I've checked my CD version of The Dig against the md5sums currently 
> included in GDP, and the md5sums of dig.la0 and dig.la1 don't match, 
> should i include these, too?

Yes please, either copy-paste the whole package definition or define dig.la0 & dig.la1 as 'alternatives:'

The scummvm source code is a good reference for all existing game versions;
but it only include hashes for 1 file per game, here dig.la0:

It's some kind of long tail problem, by supporting what's now sold by;
I guess that more than 90% of current users are supported,
but it still nice to support the remainder if we have the info.

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