Bug#818072: warzone2100: FTBFS in stretch (new flex)

Santiago Vila sanvila at unex.es
Sun Mar 13 11:02:50 UTC 2016

Package: src:warzone2100
Version: 3.1.1-2
Severity: serious

Dear maintainer:

This package currently fails to build from source in stretch:

resource_lexer.lpp: In function 'int res_lex_destroy()':
resource_lexer.lpp:154:5: error: redefinition of 'int res_lex_destroy()'
resource_lexer.cpp:1928:5: note: 'int res_lex_destroy()' previously defined here
 int res_lex_destroy  (void)
Makefile:475: recipe for target 'resource_lexer.o' failed

I suspect that the new flex is the reason.

The full build log is attached.

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Name: warzone2100_3.1.1-2_amd64-20160313-1047.gz
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