Bug#824011: warzone2100: FTBFS in testing (maybe missing Build-Conflicts)

Santiago Vila sanvila at unex.es
Mon May 16 09:37:40 UTC 2016

tags 824011 + patch

Patch attached.

In either case, I recommend that you still try to reproduce the bug to
fully understand it. Here is the way to reproduce it:

* Create a stretch chroot (with debootstrap).

* Install debhelper in the chroot. This will automatically install
  "automake" as a dependency.

* Then try to build warzone2100 with a command line like this:

sbuild -d stretch -A warzone2100_3.1.1-3

You will get a nice FTBFS like the one I attached in the initial bug report.

This is what happens: sbuild knows that it has to install automake1.11
because it's in the build-depends, so it does install it, but
then configure still detects normal automake (because nowhere it's said
that it has to be removed), and it fails.

When the Build-Conflicts is in place, sbuild knows that it has to remove
"automake" (in addition to installing automake1.11), and you can see
this in the build log:

The following packages will be REMOVED:

As I said in the previous email, Build-Conflicts exist precisely
to deal with cases like this one.

Another solution would be to modify debian/rules so that automake1.11
is detected instead of automake when both are installed. I don't know
how to do that, but if you manage to do that way, it would also fix
the bug.

Hope this helps.

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