Bug#850569: jstest-gtk: Crash for missing data files

James Cowgill jcowgill at debian.org
Sat Jan 7 22:15:56 UTC 2017

Control: forcemerge 850022 -1


On 07/01/17 21:43, Lluís Vilanova wrote:
> Package: jstest-gtk
> Version: 0.1.1~git20160825-1
> Severity: important
> Starting jstest-gtk with a PS3 controller connected crashes the application with
> the following message:
>   Error: Failed to open file '/usr/bin/data/PS3.png': No such file or directory

Duplicate of #850022 (different symptoms but caused by the same bug).

> If I start the app with a disconnected controller, an unhandled exception error
> is shown after connecting the controller and clicking refresh.

Just to clarify, is this the same message as above (ie not a separate bug)?


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