Bug#863711: playonlinux: The current PlayOnLinux package version is outdated

Markus Koschany apo at debian.org
Thu Jul 20 16:28:25 UTC 2017

Am 20.07.2017 um 15:50 schrieb asciiwolf at seznam.cz:
> Thanks. There are some bugfixes, partial fix for #849119, fix for #845548, desktop file and icon fixes, language files fixes etc.

Do you have more information about the partial fix for #849119? Why is
it only partial? We could update #849119 with this kind of information,
then it won't be overlooked.

I suggest to wait for Bertrand's response. However you could also
prepare the new upstream version yourself and I will review your
package. That would probably be the fastest approach.

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