Bug#793285: closed by Martin Quinson <martin.quinson at ens-rennes.fr> (Widelands builds without any problem with gcc5)

Martin Quinson martin.quinson at ens-rennes.fr
Mon Mar 13 20:01:11 UTC 2017

On Mon, Mar 13, 2017 at 07:50:42PM +0100, Matthias Klose wrote:
> > as the title says, this bug does not affect widelands, thus closing.
> yes, it wouldn't have taken 16 months to confirm that. And no, none of these
> patches results in a build error.  So your reasoning is plain wrong. But who
> cares ...

I'm not sure I understand what you are talking about. I don't see no
reasonning on my side nor patch in this whole bug report, but I may be
blind. Could you please enlight me?

As for the long delay, yes. I'm doing my best, but it's not always
enough, sorry. When you first reported that bug, I did not feel
skilled enough to install an unstable build chain and test things in a
certain manner. Plus, I was thinking that a swamp recompilation of the
whole archive with gcc5 (once I've sorted out how to make an
experimental image) may have been more efficient than a swamp of bug
reporting "warning, *possible* issue ahead". But that's not easy
either. I did not know how to react about your bug report, and then I
forgot about it, sorry. 

I must however confess that I feel surprised to be bashed for finally
taking care of the problem at my tiny scale... But no offense taken: 
being the maintainer of such an amount of important packages is a huge
burden, and I'm still grateful for your work.

Bye, Mt.
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