<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" ><tr><td valign="top" style="font: inherit;"><br><br>Dear friend<br> <br>I am, Mr.Akbar Shykh, am a retired banker from B.O.A.Ouagadougou corporate headquatre, Burkina Faso, I have a client who has over Ten million two hundred and forty five dollars only.$10,245.but decead now, I have retired I have this client and I have been his personal accounting officer through out my service be for he die,<br> <br>He was a wealthy man, he died in motor accident why travelling with his family to celebrate Muslim fete in his home town,his dead, all the information and document about his banking is under my custody even till presently, be for I retired 9month ago I have waiting to see any member of the family or any distance relation but non have ever show up,<br> <br>Now I need foreign partner who can assist me in pulling the money out of the bank ,what is there the person must work base on my
instruction what ever information from the bank you must confirmed in me before any thing, I will give you guide line how to follow everything, every information we need to pulled this money is on my desk ,<br> <br>But you know any thing that has to deal with bank has a procedure but am assuring you at the end of this deal we must excel because I know that every information concerning my deceased client is on my door step, so I promise to be 85.15.5% and you will go with 15% why the bank insider will go with 5% why me will go with 85%. so can will call it a deal please mail me lets proceed?</td></tr></table>