[Pkg-giraffe-discuss] Try out to package kopano-webapp-plugin-files* fails

Jelle van der Waa j.vanderwaa at zarafa.com
Fri Dec 16 08:15:27 UTC 2016

> > I think kopano won't package all plugins in one single package as by
> > having them separately they can be marketed separately.  Those
> > plugins being files or web meetings or smime are the value added
> > kopano plugins therefore rightly so they do want to sell them
> > separately depending on the editions.

Sure it's extra value, but it's also packaged and provided separate since we can
release plugins separate now. Which happens quite often these days.

> Putting things that need to stay together into one source package is
> something different than providing various binary packages. I haven't
> written that all plugins should be part of one single binary package.

How would you handle different releases and version numbers then?
In theory it can be done with git and submodules in plugins.


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