[Pkg-giraffe-discuss] imported kopano-webapp 3.3.0 and additional changes

Carsten Schoenert c.schoenert at t-online.de
Mon Jun 5 07:39:04 UTC 2017

Am 04.06.2017 um 16:43 schrieb Carsten Schoenert:
> Some small issues are happen now with the new upstream version. There is
> some problem while msgfmt is running and fr_CA and ga_GA got no
> translation files so Lintian is complaining about empty folders
> correctly.

I figured out the real issue behind that.
As msgfmt isn't called with the option '-c' the build of the *.mo files
is ignoring errors in the source files. The following small change would
break the build in such cases.

> diff --git a/server/build.xml b/server/build.xml
> index 38ffb68..34437fe 100644
> --- a/server/build.xml
> +++ b/server/build.xml
> @@ -83,6 +83,7 @@
>                 <dirname property="outdir" file="${outfile}"/>
>                 <mkdir dir="${outdir}"/>
>                 <exec executable="msgfmt" failonerror="true">
> +                       <arg value="-c"/>
>                         <arg value="-v"/>
>                         <arg value="-o"/>
>                         <arg value="${outfile}"/>

BTW: A build with such a enabled option shows a lot more of other
warnings and additional errors! Especially the plurals form seems often
wrong or unusual. Enabling this option would increase QA at all.

> ...
>      [exec] /build/kopano-webapp-3.3.0/server/language/he_IL.UTF-8/LC_MESSAGES/zarafa_webapp.po:5481: 'msgstr' is not a valid PHP format string, unlike 'msgid'. Reason: The string ends in the middle of a directive.
>      [exec] msgfmt: found 3 fatal errors
>      [exec] 762 translated messages, 214 fuzzy translations, 681 untranslated messages.
>      [exec] /build/kopano-webapp-3.3.0/server/language/sl_SI.UTF-8/LC_MESSAGES/zarafa_webapp.po:6: warning: header field 'Project-Id-Version' still has the initial default value
>      [exec] /build/kopano-webapp-3.3.0/server/language/sl_SI.UTF-8/LC_MESSAGES/zarafa_webapp.po:6: warning: header field 'Language-Team' still has the initial default value
>      [exec] 1385 translated messages, 122 fuzzy translations, 150 untranslated messages.
>      [exec] /build/kopano-webapp-3.3.0/server/language/fa_IR.UTF-8/LC_MESSAGES/zarafa_webapp.po:6: warning: header field 'Project-Id-Version' still has the initial default value
>      [exec] /build/kopano-webapp-3.3.0/server/language/cs_CZ.UTF-8/LC_MESSAGES/zarafa_webapp.po:6: warning: header field 'Project-Id-Version' still has the initial default value
>      [exec] /build/kopano-webapp-3.3.0/server/language/fa_IR.UTF-8/LC_MESSAGES/zarafa_webapp.po:6: warning: header field 'Language-Team' still has the initial default value
>      [exec] 1403 translated messages, 78 fuzzy translations, 176 untranslated messages.
>      [exec] 39 translated messages, 6 fuzzy translations, 1612 untranslated messages.
>      [exec] /build/kopano-webapp-3.3.0/server/language/tr_TR.UTF-8/LC_MESSAGES/zarafa_webapp.po:6: nplurals = 1...
>      [exec] /build/kopano-webapp-3.3.0/server/language/tr_TR.UTF-8/LC_MESSAGES/zarafa_webapp.po:39: ...but some messages have 2 plural forms
>      [exec] /build/kopano-webapp-3.3.0/server/language/tr_TR.UTF-8/LC_MESSAGES/zarafa_webapp.po:6: warning: header field 'Project-Id-Version' still has the initial default value
>      [exec] msgfmt: found 1 fatal error
>      [exec] 1565 translated messages, 52 fuzzy translations, 40 untranslated messages.
>      [exec] 1322 translated messages, 114 fuzzy translations, 221 untranslated messages.
>      [exec] /build/kopano-webapp-3.3.0/server/language/hu_HU.UTF-8/LC_MESSAGES/zarafa_webapp.po:6: warning: header field 'Project-Id-Version' still has the initial default value
>      [exec] /build/kopano-webapp-3.3.0/server/language/hu_HU.UTF-8/LC_MESSAGES/zarafa_webapp.po:5336: a format specification for argument 1 doesn't exist in 'msgstr[1]'
>      [exec] /build/kopano-webapp-3.3.0/server/language/hu_HU.UTF-8/LC_MESSAGES/zarafa_webapp.po:5345: a format specification for argument 1 doesn't exist in 'msgstr[1]'
>      [exec] /build/kopano-webapp-3.3.0/server/language/hu_HU.UTF-8/LC_MESSAGES/zarafa_webapp.po:5439: a format specification for argument 3 doesn't exist in 'msgstr'
>      [exec] msgfmt: found 3 fatal errors
>      [exec] 1608 translated messages, 29 fuzzy translations, 20 untranslated messages.

The original issue in booth complained language file is the missed
header information that msgfmt is needed. I added them to the files and
now the build went on the previously missed *.mo files. The repository
on Alioth is updated.

I append the two patches I made on top of the actual source in case you
will add them to your resources. You may need to do some additional
things in your weblate instance.
(The patch for ga_GA is a bit bigger due the unusual plural forms for
this language.)

Carsten Schoenert
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