[Pkg-giraffe-discuss] Kopano Updates

Carsten Schoenert c.schoenert at t-online.de
Mon Jul 15 12:51:20 BST 2019

Hello Martin,

Am 14.07.19 um 16:46 schrieb Martin Wolf:
> I wanted to thank you for bringing Kopano to Debian 10.
> Right now I am setting up a VM for testing the packages and plan to use
> it productively.
> I have a question about updates. Right now we have Kopano 8.7.0 in
> Stable but there is already 8.7.5 according to
> https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/kopanocore . What are your plans here?
> Will we get updates at least in the 8.7.x release cycle?

you wont see newer versions of Kopano packages through stable as this is
a rule by the release plannings for a stable release.
No new versions are allowed into stable once it's released.

There are only a few exceptions on this.
Security fixes, if needed, are backported if this is possible, if this
isn't possible the package will mostly get removed from the release.
Small fixes within the released versions are might get accepted by the
release managers and can get into one of the next point releases. For
example if a binary file or helper isn't installed by accident or into
the wrong folder, fixes for such issues are mostly accepted.

The only way to provide newer version of an upstream release for the
current stable release(s) are possible by backports. We will provide
this once we have finished the packaging for unstable and testing and we
are satisfied with the required QA.

> Also I found a bug / typo in the apparmor profile of kopano-search:
> Setting up kopano-search (8.7.0-3) ...
> AppArmor parser error for /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.kopano-search in
> /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.kopano-search at line 24: syntax error,
> unexpected TOK_END_OF_RULE, expecting TOK_ID or TOK_MODE or TOK_SET_VAR

Could you please file a bug report about this? Such an issues and the
resulting will be a valid candidate for an updated package in stable.

Carsten Schoenert

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