[Pkg-giraffe-discuss] Packaging Kopano webapp desktopnotifications plugin

Carsten Schoenert c.schoenert at t-online.de
Sat Jul 20 23:55:46 BST 2019

Hi Roel,

> I'll have a look at this in the next weeks while the Debian Conference
> in Curitiba, Brazil. ;)

as promised I've looked now at your current tree.

Some notes about your work that I'd do it differently.

I'd avoid the extra shell script you are using to build the stuff. This
helper is quite small and and inclusion of the functionality within
debian/rules isn't a problem.
So I've rewritten the rules file to include your extra build script.

Let's not start with Debhelper 10, just start with the recent version 12.

I'd prefer if I'm not listed as an uploader, simply because I've no
knowledge about this plugin.

The *.dirs sequencer file isn't needed, the required directories are
created automatically. I'd drop this to make the debian/ folder more thin.

Your current git tree contains also a branch debian/sid which is just
empty. And you branched the pristine-tar branch from here, this
shouldn't happen as the pristine-tar branch isn't connected to any other
branch in the repo.

I modified your files from the debian folder a little bit and added, see
the attached zip archive.
If you want to use it I suggest you to do the following steps to create
a new clean structure for the packaging.

1. Create a new folder somewhere.
2. Do a 'git init' within that folder.
3. Extract the content of the attachment into the created new folder
with an empty git tree.
4. Use 'gbp import-orig --sign-tags /path/to/source.gz' to import the
   source archive. gbp will create all the needed branches
   If you want to start with debian/sid instead then modify
   debian/gbp.conf before import the source.
5. Modify the content of the debian/ folder if required.
6. Commit the whole folder debian/ afterwards within one commit, no need
   to split this into more peaces.

That's basically.
I'm open for comments and suggestions of course!

Carsten Schoenert
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