[Pkg-giraffe-discuss] Kopano Webapp plugins versioning

Roel van Meer roel at 1afa.com
Mon Sep 30 11:34:18 BST 2019

Jan Engelhardt writes:

> > Yes, these tags are exactly what this is about. Kopanocore and kopano- 
> webapp
> > both have these, but the kopano webapp plugins do not.
> The spellchecker plugin does.

Yes, some of them do. Others have a tag at their first commit but not on any  
later commits. The spellchecker plugin does have a tag (just one), on its  
first commit from 2016, but none since then. So in this case you can't use  
the release tags to determine the latest released version.

Some examples:

filepreviewer is ok
spellchecker latest tag is v2.0.0, from 2016-05-12, probably not uptodate
files latest tag is v2.1.5, from 2018-12-10, probably not uptodate
desktopnotifications latest tag is v2.0.3, from 2019-07-05, probably uptodate
intranet latest tag v1.0.0, from 2018-03-30, probably not uptodate
files-owncloud-backend latest tag v2.0.0 on first commit
files-smb-backend latest tag v2.0.0 on first commit
mattermost latest tag v1.0.0, from 2018-10-24

But I've asked what I wanted to ask, so I'll leave it at this. I think  
continuing this back-and-forth serves noone.

Kind regards,


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