Bug#228081: Different commands in localized muds

Markus Schaber Markus Schaber <markus@schabi.de>, 228081@bugs.debian.org
Fri, 4 Jun 2004 10:35:23 +0200


Additionally, there are some muds (e. G. unitopia.de, port 23) which are
localized, and there we have the commands nort, sued, ost, west, hoch
and runter instead of north, south, east, west, up and down.

So I think it would be best to give the user the ability to create move
templates where one can define the movements, and then let the user
choose which template he uses.

Additionally, adding manual movements specific to a special room
(teleports etc.) would be useful.

Markus Schaber - http://schabi.de/
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