Bug#256527: gtranslator: confuses "middle-dot" and "space" characters when copy-pasting

VEROK Istvan VEROK Istvan <vi@inf.bme.hu>, 256527@bugs.debian.org
Sun, 27 Jun 2004 19:11:52 +0200 (MET DST)

Package: gtranslator
Severity: normal

When the preference to mark spaces with middle-dot characters is active, 
all attempts to paste text result in the spaces inide the pasted text
showing up as spaces, not middle-dots.  Happens reliably no matter whether
the paste is initiated by a middle-click, Shift-Insert or Edit|Paste.

At first I thought this was because the insert_text_handler function in
gui.c inverts spaces and middle dots (the whole
if(GtrPreferences.dot_char) block), and that might be too much of a good
thing.  Commenting that block out didn't fix the problem reliably,
however, and I haven't more time to debug this at the moment, so no patch
from me ATM, just a bug report.
