Bug#268632: libgtk2.0-0: Long directory names break file selection dialog

Thomas Themel Thomas Themel <themel@iwoars.net>, 268632@bugs.debian.org
Sun, 17 Oct 2004 20:11:51 +0200

Loïc Minier (lool@dooz.org) wrote on 2004-10-17:
>  I fail to reproduce that with file names even bigger than yours (100
>  chars).  Do you still have the problem?  Could you take a screenshot?

The problem is still there. I have no real idea what's causing this to
happen for some people and not for others. It might be that I'm using
ion as a window manager.

However, I'm quite sure it's real since other people experience it,


That bug is marked as a duplicate of this bug, which has more tech


The latter bug's comments also contain a way to get rid of the bug,
though the kind of method used ("No idea why the line was there")
doesn't really make me happy.

[*Thomas  Themel*] When the aliens come, the life-form they'll contact first will
[extended contact] be corporations, the only life-form that eats information and
[info provided in] shits money.
[*message header*]                 - William Gibson