Bug#394895: gksu: Stores incorrect password in keyring

Gustavo Noronha Silva kov at debian.org
Tue Oct 24 03:10:39 CEST 2006

Em Mon, 23 Oct 2006 10:16:51 -0300
Javier Kohen <jkohen at users.sourceforge.net> escreveu:

> Gksu appends the newline character (0x0a) to the password entered by
> the user when adding it to GNOME's keyring. Apparently this behavior
> exists even if the gksu dialog is dismissed by clicking on the OK
> button, instead of by pressing the enter key.

It may not be the best way, but this is actually intended/known...
although now that you mention it, I believe maybe I'd like to change
that before Etch releases... I'll take a look and calculate the impact.


  Gustavo Noronha Silva <kov at debian.org>
http://www.debian.org/ | http://kov.eti.br/

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