Bug#522946: closed by Josselin Mouette <joss at debian.org> (reply to 522946 at bugs.debian.org) (Re: Bug#522946: gnome-network-admin: Unlock button is locked)

Josselin Mouette joss at debian.org
Tue Apr 7 17:05:57 UTC 2009

Le mardi 07 avril 2009 à 17:31 +0100, Ximin Luo a écrit :
> It turns out this bug exists for all programs in gnome-system-tools.
> I have tried the following to no use:
> installing gconf-defaults-service


> installing policykit-gnome and running /usr/lib/policykit/polkitd

You don’t need to run this by hand, it is started automatically.

> installing gksu-polkit and running this instead of gksu

There is no point using gksu.

> when i run users-admin as root, everything is blanked out except the user i'm
> logged on through GNOME as.

The new version of gnome-system-tools doesn’t require any of them to be
run as root.

I don’t understand what you are trying to achieve. If the "unlock"
button is grayed out, it means PolicyKit, for one reason or another,
thinks you cannot authenticate to root. I have no idea why this would
happen with a regular setup, though.

Have you tried reloading the D-Bus configuration (/etc/init.d/dbus
reload) and killing any running policykit or system-tools-backends
process, after installing policykit-gnome?

 .''`.      Debian 5.0 "Lenny" has been released!
: :' :
`. `'   Last night, Darth Vader came down from planet Vulcan and told
  `-    me that if you don't install Lenny, he'd melt your brain.
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