The trigger in your Debian packages

Josselin Mouette joss at
Fri Jun 3 08:58:35 UTC 2011

Le vendredi 03 juin 2011 à 10:24 +0200, Raphael Hertzog a écrit : 
> 1/ If your package uses the "interest" directive in the triggers files,
> is it important that the "triggering" packages that activate your triggers
> be considered as not configured (and thus not satisfying dependencies)
> until the trigger has been processed?
> 2/ If your package uses the "activate" directive, is it important that
> your package be considered as not configured (and thus not satisfying
> dependencies) until the trigger has been processed? 

>    gconf (U)

1/ A package shipping files in the GConf directories might not work
until the trigger has run, but I don’t think it has an impact on its

>    gdk-pixbuf

1/ This is a complicated case. A package shipping pixbuf loaders might
need them to work before being able to do other tasks. For example you
might not be able to process SVG icons until the trigger has been run.
We already encountered some hairy bugs caused by this trigger.

>    glib2.0 (U)

1/ Same as GConf.

>    gnome-icon-theme (U)

1/ No problem at all. Icons might be missing in applications until the
trigger has run, but that’s all.

>    gnome-menus (U)

1/ No problem at all. The menu contents might be updated later, but it’s
read dynamically anyway.

> hicolor-icon-theme (U)

1/ Same as gnome-icon-theme.

> desktop-file-utils (U)

1/ I don’t think that’s a problem. The MIME database will be updated
later, but that shouldn’t affect reverse dependencies.

>    fontconfig (U)

1/ This would only be a problem if a postinst script in a package would
require a given font the package depends on. I don’t think there are
such cases.

>    python-support

1/ dpkg-trigger is always called with --no-await by reverse
dependencies, to save time during upgrades. This does not go without
problems, and some identified reverse dependencies have to run
update-python-modules -p by hand. Anyway it will probably go away during
the wheezy cycle.

 .''`.      Josselin Mouette
: :' :
`. `'

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