Bug#647772: gnome: Josselin Moutte shrugs off bug reports

Tyler MacDonald tyler at yi.org
Sun Nov 6 02:01:53 UTC 2011

Package: gnome
Version: 1:3.0+3
Severity: critical
Justification: breaks the whole system

I just reported bug http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=647768
which is a serious issue with the debian system. This happened after a
reboot of a single system and I am afraid to reboot the rest of the fleet as
a result in fear that our knowledge and culture may be lost forever.

Instead of addressing this concern and providing and/or fixing a clean
upgrade path, Josselin has closed the previous bug with a shrug. A "shrug".
This seems to indicate that not only GNOME, but the entire debian system is
broken, and that more breakage is on the way. What can we do to avoid such
cascade failure across the whole planet?

Dear Maintainer,
*** Please consider answering these questions, where appropriate ***

   * What led up to the situation?
   * What exactly did you do (or not do) that was effective (or
   * What was the outcome of this action?
   * What outcome did you expect instead?

*** End of the template - remove these lines ***

-- System Information:
Debian Release: wheezy/sid
  APT prefers oldstable
  APT policy: (500, 'oldstable'), (500, 'unstable'), (1, 'experimental')
Architecture: amd64 (x86_64)

Kernel: Linux 3.0.0-1-amd64 (SMP w/2 CPU cores)
Locale: LANG=en_CA.UTF-8, LC_CTYPE=en_CA.UTF-8 (charmap=UTF-8)
Shell: /bin/sh linked to /bin/bash

Versions of packages gnome depends on:
ii  abiword                      2.9.1-0.1                   
ii  alacarte                     0.13.2-3                    
ii  avahi-daemon                 0.6.30-5                    
ii  cheese                       3.2.0-1                     
ii  desktop-base                 6.0.7                       
ii  ekiga                        3.2.7-4.1                   
ii  epiphany-extensions          3.0.0-3                     
ii  evolution                    3.0.3-2                     
ii  evolution-plugins            3.0.3-2                     
ii  file-roller                  3.0.2-2                     
ii  gedit                        3.0.6-2                     
ii  gedit-plugins                3.0.6-1                     
ii  gimp                         2.6.11-5                    
ii  gnome-applets                3.2.1-1                     
ii  gnome-core                   1:3.0+3                     
ii  gnome-games                  1:3.0.2-2                   
ii  gnome-media                  2.91.2-3                    
ii  gnome-nettool                3.0.0-2                     
ii  gnumeric                     1.10.17-1+b1                
ii  gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg         1:0.10.12-0.0               
ii  gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly   0.10.18-3+b1                
ii  gvfs-bin                     1.8.2-2                     
ii  hamster-applet               2.91.3+git20110714.9aefd7-2 
ii  inkscape                     0.48.1-2.1+b1               
ii  libgtk2-perl                 2:1.223-1+b1                
ii  libreoffice-gnome            1:3.4.3-4                   
ii  nautilus-sendto              3.0.1-2                     
ii  rhythmbox                    2.90.1~git20110919.2dfea6-3 
ii  rhythmbox-plugin-cdrecorder  2.90.1~git20110919.2dfea6-3 
ii  rhythmbox-plugins            2.90.1~git20110919.2dfea6-3 
ii  seahorse                     3.0.2-1                     
ii  shotwell                     0.11.5-1                    
ii  simple-scan                  3.2.0-1                     
ii  sound-juicer                 2.32.1+git20111010.2d5deeb-1
ii  telepathy-gabble             0.13.7-1                    
ii  telepathy-salut              0.6.0-1                     
ii  tomboy                       1.8.0-1                     
ii  totem-mozilla                3.0.1-3                     
ii  totem-plugins                3.0.1-3                     
ii  transmission-gtk             2.03-2.2                    
ii  update-notifier              0.99.3debian10              
ii  vinagre                      3.2.1-1                     
ii  xdg-user-dirs-gtk            0.8-1                       

Versions of packages gnome recommends:
ii  browser-plugin-gnash     0.8.10~git20111001-1
ii  gdebi                    0.8.2               
ii  gnome-games-extra-data   3.0.0-1             
ii  liferea                  1.6.5-1.2+b1        
ii  menu-xdg                 0.5                 
ii  nautilus-sendto-empathy           
ii  telepathy-butterfly      0.5.15-2.1          
ii  telepathy-idle           0.1.11-2            

Versions of packages gnome suggests:
pn  dia-gnome              0.97.1-9+b1
pn  gnome-tweak-tool       <none>     
pn  gnucash                <none>     
pn  libreoffice-evolution  <none>     
pn  libreoffice-gnome      1:3.4.3-4  
pn  planner                <none>     

Versions of packages gnome-core depends on:
ii  baobab                                          3.0.1-5            
ii  brasero                                         3.0.0-4            
ii  dconf-tools                                     0.7.5-3            
ii  empathy                                         
ii  eog                                             3.0.2-2            
ii  epiphany-browser                                3.0.4-1            
ii  evince                                          3.2.1-1            
ii  evolution-data-server                           3.0.3-1            
ii  fonts-cantarell                                 0.0.6+git20110405-1
ii  freedesktop-sound-theme                         0.7.dfsg-1         
ii  gcalctool                                       6.2.0-1            
ii  gconf2                                          2.32.4-1           
ii  gdm3                                            3.0.4-4            
ii  glib-networking                                 2.28.7-2           
ii  gnome-backgrounds                               3.2.0-1            
ii  gnome-bluetooth                                 3.2.1-1            
ii  gnome-control-center                            1:3.0.2-3          
ii  gnome-dictionary                                3.0.1-5            
ii  gnome-disk-utility                              3.0.2-2            
ii  gnome-font-viewer                               3.0.1-5            
ii  gnome-icon-theme                                
ii  gnome-icon-theme-extras                         3.0.0-3            
ii  gnome-icon-theme-symbolic                       3.2.1-1            
ii  gnome-keyring                                   3.0.3-2            
ii  gnome-menus                                     3.0.1-3            
ii  gnome-packagekit                                3.0.3-2            
ii  gnome-panel                                     3.0.2-1            
ii  gnome-power-manager                             3.0.2-3            
ii  gnome-screensaver                               3.0.1-3            
ii  gnome-screenshot                                3.0.1-5            
ii  gnome-search-tool                               3.0.1-5            
ii  gnome-session                                   3.0.2-3            
ii  gnome-session-fallback                          3.0.2-3            
ii  gnome-settings-daemon                           3.0.3-3            
ii  gnome-shell                                     3.0.2-5            
ii  gnome-system-log                                3.0.1-5            
ii  gnome-system-monitor                            3.2.1-1            
ii  gnome-terminal                                  3.0.1-1            
ii  gnome-themes-standard                           3.0.2-1            
ii  gnome-user-guide                                3.2.1-1            
ii  gnome-user-share                                3.0.1-1            
ii  gsettings-desktop-schemas                       3.0.1-1            
ii  gstreamer0.10-plugins-base                      0.10.35-1          
ii  gstreamer0.10-plugins-good                      0.10.30-1          
ii  gstreamer0.10-pulseaudio                        0.10.30-1          
ii  gucharmap                                       1:3.2.1-1          
ii  gvfs-backends                                   1.8.2-2            
ii  libcanberra-pulse                               0.28-3             
ii  libgail-3-common                                3.0.12-2           
ii  libpam-gnome-keyring                            3.0.3-2            
ii  metacity                                        1:2.34.1-2         
ii  nautilus                                        3.0.2-4            
ii  network-manager-gnome                           0.9.0-4            
ii  notification-daemon                             0.7.3-1            
ii  plasma-widgets-workspace [notification-daemon]  4:4.6.5-3          
ii  policykit-1-gnome                               0.104-2            
ii  pulseaudio                                      1.1-1              
ii  totem                                           3.0.1-3            
ii  tracker-gui                                     0.10.26-1          
ii  vino                                            3.2.1-1            
ii  yelp                                            3.2.1+dfsg-1+b1    
ii  zenity                                          3.2.0-1            

gnome-core suggests no packages.

-- debconf-show failed

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