SOPRA GROUP contact at
Wed Apr 11 12:21:34 UTC 2012


     We are the company SOPRA GROUP based in FRANCE, We specialize in the
distribution of computer hardware and software.

     We send you this e-mail for an application to open a credit account. Could
you put us in touch with the appropriate department and inform us about the
informations and documents you need to open an account.

Best regards

Pascal LEROY
General Manager

TEL: +334 27 50 17 77
FAX: +334 27 50 20 70
326 820 065 R.C.S. ANNECY
Code NAF : 6202A
SIRET :326 820 065 00083
TVA Intracommunautaire: FR18 326820065
E-mail: contact at <mailto:contact at>

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