Bug#645656: gnome-core: please re-soften the network-manager-gnome dependency

Michael Biebl biebl at debian.org
Sat Jan 7 06:43:02 UTC 2012

Am 07.01.2012 02:42, schrieb Nate Bargmann:
> Another reason that gnome-core should not have a hard dependency on
> network manager is that nm is simply not ready for prime time.  My issue
> with it stems from its inability to stream audio via pulse audio to

NM has nothing to do with streaming audio via pulse audio.

> another server acting as a sink over wireless without choppiness or
> coninuous network drop-outs.

network drop-outs might be related to driver issues and NM using
different code paths then wicd/ifupdown. NM uses the nl80211 subsystem
for wireless devices (where possible) and wicd might still be using a
different driver interface.
But then, I don't use wicd, so I can't tell for sure.

> As I see it, a recommends of nm, wicd, or whatever to statisfy a network
> dependency of gnome-core could be employed to avoid klunky work-arounds
> as above or removal of the gnome-core package.

Not convincing arguments.

As Joss repeatedly said, meta-packages are not super market.


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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