Bug#578795: split packages for various gvfs backends

Brian Gaffney briang000 at gmail.com
Sun Jan 15 22:00:58 UTC 2012

>Ok, reassigning to gvfs-backends. Basically, it'd be nice to split the
>backends package in few packages so people can install only the one they
>Splitting using one package per backend might clutter a bit too much, so
>a proposition could be:
>gvfs-backends with only the “standard” ones. Standard is a bit fuzzy,
>but basically http/dav/ftp/ssh/cdda/smb/
>gvfs-backend-photo with the gphoto2 stuff
>gvfs-backend-mobiledevice with the afc/mobiledevice/iphone stuff
>gvfs-backend-obex with the bluetooth stack
>What do you think?

Just wanted to add some justification for splitting the backends.

I have a non-Apple device (Sansa Fuze; looks like an iPod, has a data port that is
like, but not compatible with, the Apple connector).  It used to be recognized as 1
or 2 USB drives (depending on data card), but with recent distributions it is seen
as a Music Device, accessible only in Rhythmbox.  I uninstalled packages until it
was recognized as a drive again.  Then I couldn't access network shares (Samba).
Researching that problem, I found that re-installing gvfs-backends fixed it, but broke
the Fuze access.

So my best option was to install/uninstall this package depending on what I want to
do.  Looking further, I manually deleted the afs.mount file (only), and everything
works now.

I can image that others may want a choice on how they access devices (although I
don't know if this applies to i-devices, so this may be a rather limited audience).


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