Bug#645794: gnome-control-center: Couldn't choose Firefox/Thunderbird as Default when using the mozilla-builds

Simon McVittie smcv at debian.org
Wed Apr 30 20:22:02 UTC 2014

On 30/04/14 20:01, Martin Dosch wrote:
> Gnome-control-center seems to not set this system-wide:
>> update-alternatives --config x-www-browser

That's not how gnome-control-center sets the default. It only sets the
default for you, not for all users; I believe that's done via
~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list at the moment. It should
affect anything that uses GNOME libraries, and most other desktop
environments' stacks (e.g. KDE), but might not affect every application.

It's possible that the mechanism Firefox uses to set itself as the
default doesn't actually have the desired effect any more; I don't
know how it does that.

althaser wrote:
> try to add a new line to /etc/mailcap

That's not how the default set by g-c-c works either.


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