Bug#872339: libgda-5.0-4: Can't rebuild package with --with-ui

Andreas Henriksson andreas at fatal.se
Mon Aug 21 19:41:02 UTC 2017

On Wed, Aug 16, 2017 at 11:30:38PM -0500, Pavlo Solntsev wrote:
> ok, I was able to compile the package with ui support. Could you please
> explain why this option was turned off?

Debian is a volunteer project. You're the only one showing interest for
this package. Who are you adressing when you say 'Could *you* ...'?

Please note that libgda5 is up for removal from debian because of
lacking interest from volunteers to keep it in shape. If you want it to
stay around *you* need to step up and contribute.

Speaking about that thanks for your effort of your previously submitted
patch. It's roughly equivalent to the upstream commit

In other words the problem has already been fixed upstream, together
with several other issues that might also be relevant.

Unfortunately the upstream software has not seen a new release in over
two years now. It looks like upstream might need someone to volunteer
helping out.

Right now, with the upstream project basically dead and with basically
no applications in debian using libgda anymore and very few people
showing interest in actually maintaining the software it's not looking
bright to expand the offered functionality. First step would be to
maintain the currently offered functionality, then move on to expand
it if successful and you're able to provide additional resources on
top of that.

Please see the following urls where you can track debian information:

Here are some instructions that might be helpful for you to work on
the packaging:

apt install devscripts svn-buildpackage
mkdir -p ~/playground
cd ~/playground
debcheckout --source=download-only libgda5
cd libgda5
wget -O debian/patches/git_fix_libgda-ui_build.patch \
echo "git_fix_libgda-ui_build.patch" >> debian/patches/series
svn add debian/patches/*
dch -i

Hope this helps.

If you want to enable building an additional shared library from the
sources you likely need to modify debian/rules for configure flags and
then debian/control to add the new library package + the new development
package. Then finally add debian/<pkgname>.install files listing which
files to ship in the package. Don't forget to list (the reason for) your
changes in debian/changelog.

Once you've produced a working package feel free to submit your changes
to this bug report. Also do come visit #debian-gnome on OFTC

Andreas Henriksson

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