Good Morning, <br />I have been instructed to inform you that You have been
selected to benefit<br />a special donation sponsored by Chevron Oil, African
Desk supported by the World Bank. You were selected via email<br />voting
system, and the Nigerian Senate Finance Committee is responsible for<br />this
payment. This donation is worth one million four hundred thousand. <br /> ( $
1,400,000:00).<br />For more information, click "Reply" and send,
reporting:<br />(1) Your name ..........<br />(2) Your country of residence
............<br />(3) Your phone number .........<br />(4) Your occupation
...........<br />Congratulations<br /> Ms. Carol Zaya<br />
For<br /> Senator Mohammed Mana<br /> Secretary of the Committee.<br />
<br />
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