<div dir="ltr"><div>This is to inform you that the United Nation executive Committee</div><div>members on Public Economic and Social Affairs had a meeting with</div><div>representatives around the Globe regarding funds held in Africa and</div><div>others countries with African origin and your file was brought, the</div><div>Executives came to a conclusion that we have to pay you the sum of</div><div>USD$1.5M and the balance will come later.</div><div><br></div><div>Meanwhile, I was informed yesterday by my regional director that two</div><div>gentlemen and a lawyer came to his office in place of you that you</div><div>have sent them to come and collect your funds on your behalf because</div><div>your name was mentioned at the meeting, which was found from a file</div><div>seized from one the suspended bank official, name withed for security</div><div>reasons. But very surprised to him because he is not in the position</div><div>to give any details concerning your funds, so he told them to come</div><div>back in five days to have time and contact you for clarification. They</div><div>have come with this below account information for the transfer.</div><div><br></div><div>Name: Tina ray</div><div>Bank name: Citi bank Arizona, U.S.A.</div><div>Account number: 6503809428.</div><div><br></div><div>Therefore do let us know immediately if you are the one that sent</div><div>these men so that we can process the transfer, your immediate respond</div><div>is urgently needed.</div><div><br></div><div>Dr. Johnson Nelson,</div><div>+233265195873</div></div>