[Debian GNUstep maintainers] gnustep-base

Eric Heintzmann heintzmann.eric at free.fr
Fri May 27 14:38:56 UTC 2016

    Hi Iain,

Finally latest gnustep-base is ready.
I tested it with latest upstream version of gnustep-make, gnustep-gui
and and gnustep-back and all seems okay.
I tried it with several GNUstep related debian packages and all seems to
works fine.
I also tried to rebuild several debian gnustep packages with it and I
did not find any FTBFS.

Please, could you upload it ?

To access further information about this package, please visit the
following URL:


  Alternatively, you can download the package with dget using this command:

    dget -x


gnustep-base (1.24.9-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * Team upload.
   * New Upstream version 1.24.9
   * Update fix-spelling-errors.patch
   * Update doc-links.patch
   * Update info-direntry.patch
   * Update pldes-manpage-rename.patch
   * Update manpage-fixes.patch
   * Update texinfo5.diff
   * New fix-test-icu.patch
   * New fix-spelling-errors2.patch
   * New debian/patches/fix-tests-network.patch
   * New fix-test-chroot.patch
   * Remove testsuite-fixes.patch, now useless
   * Move debian/*.in and debian/*.m4 to new debian/templates directory
     + Update debian/templates/control.m4
       - In agreement with the Debian GNUstep maintainers,
         add myself as new Co-Maintainer
       - Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.8
       - Now depends on latest gnustep-make
       - Remove unused {gnustep:Depends} variable
       - Update Vcs-* fields
       - Add build dependency to dh-exec
       - Add build dependency to dh-autoreconf,
         and remove build dependency to autotools-dev
       - Tighten dependencies
     + Update debian/templates/gnustep-base-common.xmlcatalogs.in file
     + Update debian/templates/libgnustep-base-dev.install.in file
     + Rename gnustep-base-runtime.gdomap.in
        to gnustep-base-runtime.gdomap.init.i
     + Provide a new debian/templates/gnustep-base-common.install.in file
     + Provide new debian/templates/gnustep-base-common.links.in file
     + Provide new debian/templates/gnustep-base-runtime.install.in file
     + Provide a new debian/templates/gnustep-base-runtime.links.in file
     + Provide a new debian/templates/libgnustep-base-dev.install.in file
     + Provide a new debian/templates/gnustep-base-doc.install.in file
     + Provide a new debian/templates/libgnustep-baseN.install.in file
     + Provide a new debian/templates/libgnustep-baseN-dbg.docs.in file
     + Remove debian/templates/libgnustep-baseN.overrides.m4 file, now
   * Update debian/watch file to version 4
   * Update debian/copyright file
   * Update debian/gnustep-base-runtime.lintian-overrides file
   * Rename debian/gdomap.default to
   * Provide a new debian/clean file
   * Provide a new debian/gnustep-base-common.docs file
   * Provide a new debian/gnustep-base-runtime.manpages file
   * Provide a new debian/libgnustep-base1.24.symbols file
   * Provide a new debian/gnustep-base-doc.docs file
   * Provide a new debian/gnustep-base-examples.dirs file
   * Provide a new debian/gnustep-base-examples.examples file
   * Remove debian/source.lintian-overrides file, now useless
   * Remove debian/upstream/ signing-key.pgp file,
     add debian/upstream/signing-key.asc file,
     remove debian/source/ include-binaries file
   * Rewrite debian/rules for easier maintenance
     + Switch from autotools-dev to dh-autoreconf
     + Use override_dh_* targets
     + Enable hardening
     + Fix crash when runnig tests

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