[pkg-go] Bug#838257: ITP: golang-github-go-stack-stack -- capture, manipulate, and format call stacks

Alessio Treglia alessio at debian.org
Mon Sep 19 06:49:56 UTC 2016

Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Alessio Treglia <alessio at debian.org>

* Package name    : golang-github-go-stack-stack
  Version         : 1.5.2
  Upstream Author : Chris Hines
* URL             : http://github.com/go-stack/stack/
* License         : Apache-2.0
  Programming Lang: Go
  Description     : capture, manipulate, and format call stacks

 Package stack implements utilities to capture, manipulate,
 and format call stacks. It provides a simpler API than
 package runtime.
 The implementation takes care of the minutia and special
 cases of interpreting the program counter (pc) values
 returned by runtime.Callers.

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