[Pkg-gourmet-changes] gourmet/src/lib/importers/html_plugins foodnetwork.py, NONE, 1.1

seanius at haydn.debian.org seanius at haydn.debian.org
Tue Sep 13 18:46:08 UTC 2005

Update of /cvsroot/pkg-gourmet/gourmet/src/lib/importers/html_plugins
In directory haydn:/org/alioth.debian.org/chroot/home/users/seanius/tmp/cvs-serv3185/src/lib/importers/html_plugins

Added Files:
Log Message:
just about ready for that first release...

--- NEW FILE: foodnetwork.py ---
SUPPORTED_URLS = ['www.foodnetwork.com']
SUPPORTED_URLS_REGEXPS = ['.*foodnetwork\.com']

recipe_summary = {'tag':'span',
                  'regexp':'Recipe Summary',

       'regexp':'Recipes? courtesy.*'}],
      # 'index':0},
     ('Prep Time:\s*(.*)',True)],
     ('Cook Time:\s*(.*)',True)],
    # [recipe_summary],
    # 'text',
    # ],
       'attributes':{'alt':'Click here to view a larger image.'}
    # end RULES

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