subversion repository available

Laszlo 'GCS' Boszormenyi
Mon, 5 Jul 2004 00:58:06 +0200

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Hi List,

 Robert Millan asked and gave me permission to create a subversion
repository on Alioth. I used svn-inject for this, as this follows exatly
what we need: separate packages under the subversion root directory.
For each package, we (will) have this layout under pkg-grub/ :
         +--> branches/upstream/
                               +--> current package, upstream source only
                               +--> package versions like 0.95+cvs20040624
         +--> tags/
                  +--> different package states as we tag them
         +--> trunk/
                   +--> current package, including debian/ dir

Currently only grub is loaded into the repository. It can be checked out
with the following command:
svn co svn+ssh://<username>
... or later the whole tree if the grub/ is mising from the end.
Updating the local copy is easy, like with cvs issue 'svn up' in the
repo's directory. After making changes in trunk/{,debian/} the changeset
can be checked with 'svn diff' (revisions can be specified, like
'svn diff -r BASE:HEAD' should give the changes since last update).
Commiting the changes is easy, just type 'svn ci'.
I will write more things about svn, how to use it etc, and set up a mail
mechanism which will mail all the new commits to this list if requested.
Anyway, a good book is online about subversion[1], but it can be
purchased as well[2].

I think this step will serve us big, as we can effectively can work on
the same package now. Thanks Robert!


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