[New GRUB Package] grub-splashimages-1.0

Laszlo 'GCS' Boszormenyi gcs-guest@users.alioth.debian.org
Tue, 20 Jul 2004 04:39:18 +0200

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* Luis R. Rodriguez <mcgrof@ruslug.rutgers.edu> [2004-07-19 19:06:45 -0400]:

> New release:
> http://ruslug.rutgers.edu/~mcgrof/grub-splashimages/
> Let me know if this one is OK :)
 Let me pre-check it before Robert; I won't check everything
througfully -- I should already sleep as I must start work at 08:00 am.
First let me ask if this package really should be Debian specific. Maybe
other packagers (fe Fedora) may find this useful, so splitting to
=2Eorig.tar.gz and .diff.gz may be advised. debian/changelog should show
1.0-1 then as version. debian/copyright has a bit unusual format for me,
but I think in this case (each file has different upstream author) can
be fine. However the 'Each file has C99 [...]' paragraph is unnecessary
I think, and can be removed. There are two new lines btw, no big deal.
I have never used cdbs, but is that right that debian/rules is so clean?
What about '.PHONY' targets at the end of debian/rules ?
Please change your Build-Depends line in debian/control to
Build-Depends-Indep , as Robert already told it is an arch-indep
package. Was debian/stamp-autotools-files part of the original tar.gz,
or I made something that left it there? What does it stand for, as I
think this package does not use autotools at all?
But before changing anything, please wait for Robert, I am a nobody in


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