Processed: merge

Debian Bug Tracking System
Tue, 20 Jul 2004 16:33:03 -0700

Processing commands for

> severity 94200 important
Bug#94200: should work on RAID partitions
Severity set to `important'.

> tags 94200 patch
Bug#94200: should work on RAID partitions
There were no tags set.
Tags added: patch

> merge 94200 259238
Bug#94200: should work on RAID partitions
Bug#259238: Patches for / on RAID
Mismatch - only Bugs in same state can be merged:
Values for `forwarded addr' don't match:
 #94200 has `';
 #259238 has `'

> thanks
Stopping processing here.

Please contact me if you need assistance.

Debian bug tracking system administrator
(administrator, Debian Bugs database)