Bug#421321: You shouldn't call /sbin/update-grub

Robert Millan rmh at aybabtu.com
Thu May 3 07:07:13 UTC 2007

severity 421321 minor

On Fri, Apr 27, 2007 at 10:51:28PM +0200, Andrew Hately wrote:
> You shouldn't call /sbin/update-grub. Please call /usr/sbin/update-grub
> instead!
> [...]
> As I see it, etch is broken as delivered.

"broken" is a bit excessive.  It's just a minor mistake when detecting call

> /etc/kernel-img.conf does not specify the path of update-grub.
> /sbin/update-grub only exists to print the warning given above, and
> then call the real update-grub in /usr/sbin
> This could be fixed by removing /sbin/update-grub

That's not possible.  It's there to support users upgrading from sarge.

Robert Millan

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