Bug#462835: Debian bug #462835

Felix Zielcke fzielcke at z-51.de
Wed Aug 20 15:03:22 UTC 2008

tag 462835 - moreinfo
retitle 462835 GRUB fails to grub> prompt with LVM instead of showing the menu

Am Mittwoch, den 20.08.2008, 09:36 -0400 schrieb Bharath Ramesh:

> bah, I am dumb. I always thought something was wrong. I was under the impression
> postinst script would run grub-install for me when it updated grub2.

As I wrote my last mail I had it now in mind that there was recently a
bug on grub-legacy about this, but I hadn't looked it up:
Though the explanation is missing:
We can't assume that (hd0) in device.map is always the disk you want to
have GRUB in your MBR.
Now with Robert's cross install UUID patch recently, you could say that
it's now officially supported to have MBR + /boot + / on totally
different disks.

> It shows the message "Welcome to Grub"
> It flickers some message for an instant I am unable to read it and lands
> me into the grub command prompt.

I should have waited before I retitle'd the bugreport, but as I always
I'm a bit impatitant.

> I just need to type linux /boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/mapper/lvm-root ro vga=795
> followed by intird = /boot/initrd and lastly issue boot.

So it's `grub>' and not `rescue>'
That's a bit weird that the `normal.mod' is loaded but it fails to load
the configfile or at least to show the menuentry.
I don't have really a clue what the problem could be.
Hopefully Robert has an idea.

With `set' command you can see `root' and `prefix' setting.
`help' shows you the list of commands.
`ls -l' shows every device GRUB can see, so your harddisks, partitions
and LVMs.

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