Bug#478401: Segment fault on grub-probe

Robert Millan rmh at aybabtu.com
Sat May 3 13:58:55 UTC 2008

On Fri, May 02, 2008 at 11:09:54PM -0430, Isaac M. Marcos wrote:
> Sorry for the detail, i am new to this things.. Just to be clear:
> Downloaded source for grub-common
> patch from bug=474931#45 applied to disk/lvm.c		"patch lvm.c lvm.diff"
> build grub2_1.96+20080429-1_amd64.deb		"dpkg-buildpackage -uc -b " 
> said package installed		"dpkg -i grub-common_1.96+20080429-1_amd64.deb"
> run grub-probe -t device sda -------> same segfault.

Please provide a gdb backtrace.  See:


for details on how to do it.

Robert Millan

<GPLv2> I know my rights; I want my phone call!
<DRM> What use is a phone call… if you are unable to speak?
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