Bug#500112: grub-pc: grub is failing to start at boot (go to rescue mode immediately) when using jfs.mod (prefix issue)

Felix Zielcke fzielcke at z-51.de
Thu Sep 25 14:04:25 UTC 2008

Am Donnerstag, den 25.09.2008, 14:06 +0200 schrieb Benoit Hamet:
> Hi again,


> Hmm, perhaps it wasn't clear, but this render the booting on jfs
> partition unable to work ... in case of remote server, it could be
> problematic ... so I don't see why waiting for lenny release, since this
> will probably be reopened when servers will use lenny in production (ok,
> they're probably not using grub2 ?). Anyway, do whatever you want, I
> fixed my own grub-install, hope that nobody else will hit this one :).

Just commited this fix now in our lenny branch.
Thanks for reporting this.

> > 
> > Feel free to bring that double slash problem with JFS up again upstream
> > on grub-devel at gnu.org if it's still a more general problem.
> for me it's working in new releases, so no needs to bring this up upstream.

If the Linux kernel handles multiple slashes for JFS like one and grub
doestn't do this then this seems to be another bug which should get

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