Bug#550473: grub-pc: don't ask permission to replace grub.cfg, when upgrading

Felix Zielcke fzielcke at z-51.de
Sat Oct 10 12:25:50 UTC 2009

forcemerge 538743 550473

Am Samstag, den 10.10.2009, 14:55 +0300 schrieb yauhen barushka:

> Bug report:
> When upgrading with `apt-get upgrade' script `grub-install' is runned, which replaces
> `/boot/grub/grub.cfg' file without asking for user permission to do it (as most of packages
> will do when attemping to replace user config file).

It's update-grub (actually grub-mkconfig) not grub-install which
replaces it.

Maybe you missed the big warning at the top of the generated grub.cfg
that you should not modify it directly?

User config files belong in /etc according to Debian Policy and also FHS
and must preserve user changes.
I think because of this some distros have a /etc/grub.conf symlink
to /boot/grub/menu.lst
GRUB Legacy's configuration for update-grub was just weird and violated
this, so it got replaced with a more cleaner version.

> It should either ask permission to rebuild `grub.cfg' or at least keep an old version with a
> different name in the same directory.

We have already an open report to make a backup #538743.

Felix Zielcke
Proud Debian Maintainer and GNU GRUB developer

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