Bug#595458: grub-probe fails to find device for btrfs / on kernel 2.6.35 (works with 2.6.32): HELP REQUESTED

Alexander Kurtz kurtz.alex at googlemail.com
Wed Sep 22 11:20:06 UTC 2010

retitle 595458 grub-probe fails to find device for btrfs / on kernel 2.6.35 (works with 2.6.32)
reassign 595458 grub-common
severity 595458 important
tags 595458 help

Hi Nicolas,

I'm really running out of ideas and could need a little help from the
maintainers on this. Let me just summarize what we got so far:

1. / and /home are both btrfs filesystems
2. when using 2.6.35 grub-probe doesn't work for / but does for /home
3. when using 2.6.32 grub-probe works for both

Is this description correct and complete?

Best regards

Alexander Kurtz

PS: Is the 2.6.35 kernel you are using the one from Debian experimental 
    or did you compile it yourself?
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