Bug#689266: Possibly EDID related?

Lennart Sorensen lsorense at csclub.uwaterloo.ca
Wed Feb 25 20:38:18 UTC 2015

The biggest change between grub 1.99 and 2.00 that I think could be an
issue is taht it started reading EDID data from the monitor and using
that to try and select the mode to use.  So if 1.99 worked with the
default mode, and 2.00 no longer does, quite likely there is something
wrong with reading EDID data on the old ATI cards or at least the way
grub does it that makes it try to use an invalid mode.

If the 90khz/60hz is in fact correct, that would be a resolution of 1440
vertical at 60Hz refresh.  Certainly a resolution that exists on some
screens, but doesn't seem to be one supported by that particular monitor.

I am surprised I see no indication that anyone has ever reported this
bug to the grub developers.  Perhaps they would know how to debug it.

Len Sorensen

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