[Pkg-gs-devel] r26 - in gs-esp/trunk/debian: patches

Kenshi Muto kmuto at costa.debian.org
Sun Aug 20 08:11:47 UTC 2006

Author: kmuto
Date: Sun Aug 20 08:11:46 2006
New Revision: 26

   gs-esp/trunk/debian/patches/08_revert_cjk.dpatch   (contents, props changed)

CJK patch breaks umlaut. removed it.

Modified: gs-esp/trunk/debian/changelog
--- gs-esp/trunk/debian/changelog	(original)
+++ gs-esp/trunk/debian/changelog	Sun Aug 20 08:11:46 2006
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
-gs-esp (8.15.2.dfsg.1-2) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
+gs-esp (8.15.2.dfsg.1-2) unstable; urgency=medium
   [Kenshi Muto]
   * gs-cjk-resource still needs for CJK people.
     Revert a dependency.
+  * Apply revert patch 166:164. Upsream CJK patch broke umlaute.
+    (closes: #381386, #382250)
  -- Kenshi Muto <kmuto at debian.org>  Thu, 10 Aug 2006 18:33:07 +0900

Modified: gs-esp/trunk/debian/patches/00list
--- gs-esp/trunk/debian/patches/00list	(original)
+++ gs-esp/trunk/debian/patches/00list	Sun Aug 20 08:11:46 2006
@@ -6,3 +6,4 @@

Added: gs-esp/trunk/debian/patches/08_revert_cjk.dpatch
--- (empty file)
+++ gs-esp/trunk/debian/patches/08_revert_cjk.dpatch	Sun Aug 20 08:11:46 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,572 @@
+#! /bin/sh /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch-run
+## 08_revert_cjk.dpatch by Kenshi Muto <kmuto at debian.org>
+## All lines beginning with `## DP:' are a description of the patch.
+## DP: No description.
+ at DPATCH@
+diff -urNad gs-esp-8.15.2.dfsg.1~/src/gdevpdtc.c gs-esp-8.15.2.dfsg.1/src/gdevpdtc.c
+--- gs-esp-8.15.2.dfsg.1~/src/gdevpdtc.c	2006-08-20 13:55:04.000000000 +0900
++++ gs-esp-8.15.2.dfsg.1/src/gdevpdtc.c	2006-08-20 13:55:39.000000000 +0900
+@@ -653,13 +653,23 @@
+     if (pdsubf->u.cidfont.glyphshow_font_id != 0)
+  	font0 = (gs_font_type0 *)gs_find_font_by_id(font->dir, 
+  		    pdsubf->u.cidfont.glyphshow_font_id, &scaled_font->FontMatrix);
+-    if (font0 == NULL) {
++#if 1 /* XXX */
++    if (font0 == NULL || font0->WMode != scaled_font->WMode) {
++  	code = gs_font_type0_from_cidfont(&font0, font, scaled_font->WMode,
++ 					  &scale_matrix, font->memory);
++	if (code < 0)
++	    return code;
++ 	pdsubf->u.cidfont.glyphshow_font_id = font0->id;
++ 	font0->WMode = scaled_font->WMode; /* should not be here? */
++    }
++#else    if (font0 == NULL) {
+   	code = gs_font_type0_from_cidfont(&font0, font, font->WMode,
+  					  &scale_matrix, font->memory);
+ 	if (code < 0)
+ 	    return code;
+  	pdsubf->u.cidfont.glyphshow_font_id = font0->id;
+     }
+     /* Now handle the glyphshow as a show in the Type 0 font. */
+diff -urNad gs-esp-8.15.2.dfsg.1~/src/gdevpdtt.c gs-esp-8.15.2.dfsg.1/src/gdevpdtt.c
+--- gs-esp-8.15.2.dfsg.1~/src/gdevpdtt.c	2006-08-20 13:55:04.000000000 +0900
++++ gs-esp-8.15.2.dfsg.1/src/gdevpdtt.c	2006-08-20 13:55:39.000000000 +0900
+@@ -1802,6 +1802,11 @@
+ 		pwidths->Width.xy.y;
+ 	pwidths->Width.v.x = - pwidths->Width.xy.y / 2;
+ 	pwidths->Width.v.y = - pwidths->Width.xy.y;
++#if 1 /* XXX */
++	/* pwidths->Width.v.y *= 0.84; should use ascent/descent ratio */
++	pwidths->Width.v.y *=
++		cfont->FontBBox.q.y/(-cfont->FontBBox.p.y+cfont->FontBBox.q.y);
+     } else {
+ 	pwidths->Width.xy.x = pwidths->real_width.xy.x =
+ 		finfo.MissingWidth * scale_c;
+@@ -1880,8 +1885,39 @@
+ 	    if (get_missing_width(cfont, 0, scale_c, &widths1) < 0)
+ 		v.x = 0;
++#if 1 /* XXX */	/* Adobe-Japan specific */
++#define in_cid(s,e,cid,g) \
++    ((gs_min_cid_glyph + cid) <= g && g <= (gs_min_cid_glyph + cid + e - s))
++#define Roman(g) in_cid(0x20, 0x7e, 231, g)
++#define Hankaku(g) \
++    (in_cid(0x20, 0x5f, 231, g) || in_cid(0x60, 0x60, 231, g) || \
++     in_cid(0x61, 0x7e, 296, g) || in_cid(0x81, 0x85, 327, g) || \
++     in_cid(0x86, 0x8f, 516, g) || in_cid(0x90, 0x90, 342, g) || \
++     in_cid(0x91, 0x9f, 526, g) || in_cid(0xa1, 0xdf, 327, g) || \
++     in_cid(0xe0, 0xfd, 541, g) || in_cid(0xfe, 0xff, 388, g))
++#define Hiragana(g) \
++    (in_cid(0x20, 0x20, 515, g) || in_cid(0x21, 0x25, 327, g) || \
++     in_cid(0x26, 0x2f, 516, g) || in_cid(0x30, 0x30, 342, g) || \
++     in_cid(0x31, 0x5d, 526, g) || in_cid(0x5e, 0x5f, 388, g) || \
++     in_cid(0x60, 0x62, 571, g) || in_cid(0x66, 0x7e, 574, g))
++#define adobe_japan_ascii(fp, gly) \
++    fp->FontType == ft_CID_TrueType && \
++    ((gs_font_cid2*)fp)->cidata.common.CIDSystemInfo.Registry.size == 5 && \
++    !memcmp(((gs_font_cid2*)fp)->cidata.common.CIDSystemInfo.Registry.data,"Adobe",5) && \
++     ((gs_font_cid2*)fp)->cidata.common.CIDSystemInfo.Ordering.size == 6 && \
++    !memcmp(((gs_font_cid2*)fp)->cidata.common.CIDSystemInfo.Ordering.data,"Japan1",6) && \
++    (Roman(gly) || Hankaku(gly) || Hiragana(gly))
++	    else {
++		v.x = widths1.Width.w / 2;
++		if (adobe_japan_ascii(ofont,glyph))
++		    v.x /= 2;
++	    }
+ 	    else
+ 		v.x = widths1.Width.w / 2;
+ 	} else
+ 	    v.x = pwidths->Width.v.x;
+     } else if (code < 0)
+@@ -1903,6 +1939,21 @@
+ 		if (get_missing_width(cfont, 0, scale_c, &widths1) < 0)
+ 		    v.x = 0;
++#if 1 /* XXX */	/* Adobe-Japan specific */
++		else {
++		    v.x = widths1.Width.w / 2;
++		    if (adobe_japan_ascii(ofont,glyph))
++			v.x /= 2;
++		}
++#undef in_cid
++#undef Roman
++#undef Hankaku
++#undef Hiragana
++#undef adobe_japan_ascii
++		else
++		    v.x = widths1.Width.w / 2;
+ 	    }
+ 	} else {
+ 	    if (info.members  & (GLYPH_INFO_VVECTOR0 << wmode)) {
+diff -urNad gs-esp-8.15.2.dfsg.1~/src/gstype42.c gs-esp-8.15.2.dfsg.1/src/gstype42.c
+--- gs-esp-8.15.2.dfsg.1~/src/gstype42.c	2006-08-20 13:55:04.000000000 +0900
++++ gs-esp-8.15.2.dfsg.1/src/gstype42.c	2006-08-20 13:55:39.000000000 +0900
+@@ -1,11 +1,3 @@
+- * Modified by AXE,Inc., BBR Inc. and Turbolinux Inc.
+- *   under the technical advice by suzuki toshiya (Hiroshima University)
+- * For questions, please send mail to espgs8-cjk at printing-japan.org
+- *
+- * (C) Copyright 2006 Center of the International Cooperation for
+- *     Computerization
+- */
+ /* Copyright (C) 1996, 2000 Aladdin Enterprises.  All rights reserved.
+   This software is provided AS-IS with no warranty, either express or
+@@ -154,6 +146,45 @@
+ 	    pfont->data.metrics[1].offset = offset;
+ 	    pfont->data.metrics[1].length = (uint)u32(tab + 12);
+ 	}
++#if 1 /* XXXX */
++	else if (!memcmp(tab, "mort", 4)) {
++	    /* find vertical substitution */
++	    byte *mort;
++	    ACCESS(offset, 20, mort);	/* length not accurate */
++	    if ((uint)u32(mort) == 0x00010000) {
++		int nChains, i;
++		ulong Chainp = 8;
++		nChains = (int)u32(mort+4);
++		for (i=1; i <= nChains; i++) {
++		  int nSub, j;
++		  ulong Subp;
++		  nSub = U16(mort+Chainp+10);
++		  Subp = Chainp + U16(mort+Chainp+8)*12 + 12;
++		  for (j=1; j <= nSub; j++) {
++		     if ((U16(mort+Subp+2)&7) == 4) {
++			if ((U16(mort+Subp+8) == 6) &&
++			    (U16(mort+Subp+10) == 4)) {
++			  byte *ncgsv;
++			  int  cnt;
++			  cnt = U16(mort+Subp+12);
++			  ACCESS(offset+Subp+20, cnt*4, ncgsv);
++			  if (!pfont->data.mort_ncgsv_off) {
++			    pfont->data.mort_ncgsv_off = offset+Subp+20;
++			    pfont->data.mort_ncgsv_len = cnt*4;
++			  } else
++			    dlprintf("multiple ncgsv ignored.\n");
++			}
++		     }
++		     Subp += U16(mort+Subp);
++		  }
++		  Chainp += (int)u32(mort+Chainp+4);
++		}
++	    }
++	}
+     }
+     loca_size >>= pfont->data.indexToLocFormat + 1;
+     pfont->data.numGlyphs = (loca_size == 0 ? 0 : loca_size - 1);
+@@ -175,6 +206,20 @@
+ 	pfont->FontBBox.q.x = S16(head_box + 4) / upem;
+ 	pfont->FontBBox.q.y = S16(head_box + 6) / upem;
+     }
++#if 1 /* XXX */
++    if (! pfont->data.metrics[1].offset) {
++	/* no vhea/vmtx
++	 * shrink/expand the height to 1.0
++ 	 */
++	float v;
++	v = - pfont->FontBBox.p.y + pfont->FontBBox.q.y;
++	    pfont->FontBBox.p.y /= v;
++	    pfont->FontBBox.q.y /= v;
++	    pfont->FontBBox.p.x /= v;
++	    pfont->FontBBox.q.x /= v;
++    }
+     pfont->data.warning_patented = false;
+     pfont->data.warning_bad_instruction = false;
+@@ -528,49 +573,6 @@
+ 			     origin.y + float2fixed(info.width[WMode].y));
+ }
+-/* Get glyph bounding box from font file */
+-gs_type42_glyph_fbbox(gs_font *font, uint glyph_index, gs_rect *pbbox)
+-    gs_font_type42 *const pfont = (gs_font_type42 *)font;
+-    gs_glyph_data_t glyph_data;
+-    double factor = 1.0 / pfont->data.unitsPerEm;
+-    int code = 0;
+-    const byte *gdata;
+-    if ((code = pfont->data.get_outline(pfont, glyph_index, &glyph_data)) < 0) {
+-	return code;		/* non-existent glyph */
+-    }
+-    if (glyph_data.bits.size == 0) {
+-	return 1; /* notdef */
+-    }
+-    if (glyph_data.bits.size != 0 && S16(glyph_data.bits.data) == -1) {
+-	/* This is a composite glyph. */
+-	uint flags;
+-	gs_matrix_fixed mat;
+-	gdata = glyph_data.bits.data + 10;
+-	memset(&mat, 0, sizeof(mat)); /* arbitrary */
+-	do {
+-	    uint comp_index = U16(gdata + 2);
+-	    parse_component(&gdata, &flags, &mat, NULL, pfont, &mat);
+-	    if (flags & TT_CG_USE_MY_METRICS) {
+-		code = gs_type42_glyph_fbbox(pfont, comp_index,pbbox);
+-		goto done;
+-	    }
+-	}
+-	while (flags & TT_CG_MORE_COMPONENTS);
+-    }
+-    gdata = glyph_data.bits.data;
+-    pbbox->p.x = S16(gdata+2)*factor;
+-    pbbox->p.y = S16(gdata+4)*factor;
+-    pbbox->q.x = S16(gdata+6)*factor;
+-    pbbox->q.y = S16(gdata+8)*factor;
+-    gs_glyph_data_free(&glyph_data, "gs_type42_enumerate_glyph");
+-    return code;
+ /* Get glyph info by glyph index. */
+ int
+ gs_type42_glyph_info_by_gid(gs_font *font, gs_glyph glyph, const gs_matrix *pmat,
+diff -urNad gs-esp-8.15.2.dfsg.1~/src/gxfont42.h gs-esp-8.15.2.dfsg.1/src/gxfont42.h
+--- gs-esp-8.15.2.dfsg.1~/src/gxfont42.h	2006-08-20 13:55:04.000000000 +0900
++++ gs-esp-8.15.2.dfsg.1/src/gxfont42.h	2006-08-20 13:55:39.000000000 +0900
+@@ -1,11 +1,3 @@
+- * Modified by AXE,Inc., BBR Inc. and Turbolinux Inc.
+- *   under the technical advice by suzuki toshiya (Hiroshima University)
+- * For questions, please send mail to espgs8-cjk at printing-japan.org
+- *
+- * (C) Copyright 2006 Center of the International Cooperation for
+- *     Computerization
+- */
+ /* Copyright (C) 1996, 2000, 2001 Aladdin Enterprises.  All rights reserved.
+   This software is provided AS-IS with no warranty, either express or
+@@ -92,6 +84,13 @@
+     bool warning_patented;
+     bool warning_bad_instruction;
+ #endif
++#if 1 /* XXXX */
++    /*
++     * to find out glyph substitution
++     */
++    uint mort_ncgsv_off;	/* vertical substition entry offset */
++    uint mort_ncgsv_len;	/* total number of bytes (4*#) */
+ };
+ #define gs_font_type42_common\
+     gs_font_base_common;\
+@@ -138,9 +137,6 @@
+ int gs_type42_get_outline_from_TT_file(gs_font_type42 * pfont, stream *s, uint glyph_index,
+ 		gs_glyph_data_t *pgd);
+-/* Export the function get glypf bounding box from font data */
+-int gs_type42_glyph_fbbox(gs_font *font, uint glyph_index, gs_rect *pbbox);
+ /* Export the font procedures so they can be called from the interpreter. */
+ font_proc_enumerate_glyph(gs_type42_enumerate_glyph);
+ font_proc_glyph_info(gs_type42_glyph_info);
+diff -urNad gs-esp-8.15.2.dfsg.1~/src/zcfont.c gs-esp-8.15.2.dfsg.1/src/zcfont.c
+--- gs-esp-8.15.2.dfsg.1~/src/zcfont.c	2006-08-20 13:55:04.000000000 +0900
++++ gs-esp-8.15.2.dfsg.1/src/zcfont.c	2006-08-20 13:55:39.000000000 +0900
+@@ -127,6 +127,10 @@
+ 	    if (code < 0)
+ 		return code;
+ 	}
++#if 1 /* XXX */
++	if (scaled_font != root_font)
++	    scaled_font->WMode = root_font->WMode;	/* need for pdfwrite */
+ 	push(3);
+ 	make_int(op - 2, gs_text_current_char(penum) & 0xff);
+ 	make_real(op - 1, wpt.x);
+diff -urNad gs-esp-8.15.2.dfsg.1~/src/zchar1.c gs-esp-8.15.2.dfsg.1/src/zchar1.c
+--- gs-esp-8.15.2.dfsg.1~/src/zchar1.c	2006-08-20 13:55:04.000000000 +0900
++++ gs-esp-8.15.2.dfsg.1/src/zchar1.c	2006-08-20 13:55:39.000000000 +0900
+@@ -1,12 +1,3 @@
+- * Modified by AXE,Inc., BBR Inc. and Turbolinux Inc.
+- *   under the technical advice by suzuki toshiya (Hiroshima University)
+- * Based on bugfix by Hideo Saito, 2001.
+- * For questions, please send mail to espgs8-cjk at printing-japan.org
+- *
+- * (C) Copyright 2006 Center of the International Cooperation for
+- *     Computerization
+- */
+ /* Copyright (C) 1993, 2000, 2002 Aladdin Enterprises.  All rights reserved.
+   This software is provided AS-IS with no warranty, either express or
+@@ -249,7 +240,6 @@
+ 	cxs.sbw[2] = 0;
+ 	cxs.sbw[3] = -penum->FontBBox_as_Metrics2.x; /* Sic! */
+ 	cxs.use_FontBBox_as_Metrics2 = true;
+-	cxs.present = metricsSideBearingAndWidth;
+     }
+     /* Establish a current point. */
+     code = gs_moveto(igs, 0.0, 0.0);
+@@ -282,8 +272,7 @@
+ 	const ref *opstr = op;
+ 	ref other_subr;
+-	if (cxs.present == metricsSideBearingAndWidth
+-	    && !cxs.use_FontBBox_as_Metrics2) {
++	if (cxs.present == metricsSideBearingAndWidth) {
+ 	    gs_point sbpt;
+ 	    sbpt.x = cxs.sbw[0], sbpt.y = cxs.sbw[1];
+@@ -360,48 +349,11 @@
+     } else {
+ 	/* We have the width and bounding box: */
+ 	/* set up the cache device now. */
+-        double w[2];
+-        w[0] = pcxs->sbw[2], w[1] = pcxs->sbw[3];
+-	if (pcxs->use_FontBBox_as_Metrics2) {
+-	   /* In this case, we have to calculate width for WMode=0. 
+-	      pcxs->sbw[2, 3] is width for WMode=1.
+-	      Normally, the width for WMode=0 is not used in WMode=1 
+-	      rendering. However, if CDevProc is defined, 
+-	      the width for WMode=0 is used. 
+-	      Do the same as the case pcxs->present == metricsNone */
+-	     double sbw[4];
+-	     ref cnref;
+-	     ref other_subr;
+-	     int code;
+-	    /* Since an OtherSubr callout might change osp, */
+-	    /* save the character name now. */
+-	    ref_assign(&cnref, op - 1);
+-	    code = type1_continue_dispatch(i_ctx_p, pcxs, op, &other_subr, 4);
+-	    op = osp;		/* OtherSubrs might change it */
+-	    switch (code) {
+- 	     default:		/* code < 0 or done, error */
+-		 return ((code < 0 ? code :
+-			 gs_note_error(e_invalidfont)));
+-	    case type1_result_callothersubr:	/* unknown OtherSubr */
+-		return type1_call_OtherSubr(i_ctx_p, pcxs,
+-					    bbox_getsbw_continue,
+-					    &other_subr);
+-	    case type1_result_sbw:	/* [h]sbw, done */
+-		break;
+-	    }
+-	    type1_cis_get_metrics(pcis, sbw);
+-	    w[0] = sbw[2], w[1] = sbw[3];
+-	    /* Now actual width is available, I can calculate much 
+-	       better side bearing for WMode 1 from the width. */
+-	    pcxs->sbw[0] = w[0] / 2;
+-	}
+  	return zchar_set_cache(i_ctx_p, pbfont, op - 1,
+ 			       (pcxs->present == metricsSideBearingAndWidth
+ 			        && !pcxs->use_FontBBox_as_Metrics2 ?
+ 			        pcxs->sbw : NULL),
+-			       w,
++			       pcxs->sbw + 2,
+ 			       &pcxs->char_bbox,
+ 			       cont, exec_cont, 
+ 			       (pcxs->use_FontBBox_as_Metrics2 ? pcxs->sbw : NULL));
+@@ -629,7 +581,7 @@
+     code = type1_exec_init(&cxs.cis, penum, igs, pfont1);
+     if (code < 0)
+ 	return code;
+-    cxs.char_bbox = bbox;
++    cxs.char_bbox = pfont1->FontBBox;
+     code = type1exec_bbox(i_ctx_p, &cxs, pfont, exec_cont);
+     return code;
+ }
+@@ -843,7 +795,6 @@
+     int code;
+     gs_text_enum_t *penum = op_show_find(i_ctx_p);
+     gs_font *pfont;
+-    double w[2];
+     if ((code = gs_pathbbox(igs, &pcxs->char_bbox)) < 0 ||
+ 	(code = font_param(op - 3, &pfont)) < 0
+@@ -856,24 +807,13 @@
+ 	gs_font_type1 *const pfont1 = (gs_font_type1 *) pfont;
+ 	op_proc_t cont, exec_cont = 0;
+-	if (pcxs->present == metricsNone
+-	    || pcxs->use_FontBBox_as_Metrics2) {
++	if (pcxs->present == metricsNone) {
+ 	    gs_point endpt;
+ 	    if ((code = gs_currentpoint(igs, &endpt)) < 0)
+ 		return code;
+-	    /* We will not use sbw[3, 4]. 
+-	       If pcxs->use_FontBBox_as_Metrics2 is true,
+-	       sbw[3, 4] are used as arguments(W1x, W1y) of setcachedevice2. 
+-	       We will use w[0, 1] as W0x and W0y of setcachedevice2.
+-	       W0 and W1 is differrent parameters. Don't confuse. */
+-	    w[0] = endpt.x, w[1] = endpt.y;
++	    pcxs->sbw[2] = endpt.x, pcxs->sbw[3] = endpt.y;
+ 	    pcxs->present = metricsSideBearingAndWidth;
+-	    if (pcxs->use_FontBBox_as_Metrics2) {
+-	      /* Now actual width is available, I can calculate much 
+-		 better side bearing for WMode 1 from the width. */
+-	      pcxs->sbw[0] = w[0] / 2;
+-	    }
+ 	}
+ 	/*
+ 	 * We only need to rebuild the path from scratch if we might
+@@ -890,7 +830,7 @@
+ 	} else {
+ 	    cont = (pbfont->PaintType == 0 ? nobbox_fill : nobbox_stroke), exec_cont = 0;
+ 	    code = zchar_set_cache(i_ctx_p, pbfont, op - 1, NULL,
+-				    w,
++				   pcxs->sbw + 2,
+ 				   &pcxs->char_bbox,
+ 				   cont, &exec_cont,
+ 				   (pcxs->use_FontBBox_as_Metrics2 ? pcxs->sbw : NULL));
+diff -urNad gs-esp-8.15.2.dfsg.1~/src/zchar42.c gs-esp-8.15.2.dfsg.1/src/zchar42.c
+--- gs-esp-8.15.2.dfsg.1~/src/zchar42.c	2006-08-20 13:55:04.000000000 +0900
++++ gs-esp-8.15.2.dfsg.1/src/zchar42.c	2006-08-20 13:55:39.000000000 +0900
+@@ -1,12 +1,3 @@
+- * Modified by AXE,Inc., BBR Inc. and Turbolinux Inc.
+- *   under the technical advice by suzuki toshiya (Hiroshima University)
+- * Based on bugfix by Masatake Yamato and Hideo Saito, 2001.
+- * For questions, please send mail to espgs8-cjk at printing-japan.org
+- *
+- * (C) Copyright 2006 Center of the International Cooperation for
+- *     Computerization
+- */
+ /* Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 Aladdin Enterprises.  All rights reserved.
+   This software is provided AS-IS with no warranty, either express or
+@@ -53,15 +44,8 @@
+ {   double sbw[4];
+     double w[2];
+     int present;
+-    gs_rect bbox, *pbbox;
+-    int code = gs_type42_glyph_fbbox(pbfont, glyph_index, &bbox);
++    int code = zchar_get_metrics(pbfont, cnref, sbw);
+-    if (code != 0) {
+-	pbbox = &pbfont->FontBBox;
+-    } else {
+-	pbbox = &bbox;
+-    }
+-    code = zchar_get_metrics(pbfont, cnref, sbw);
+     if (code < 0)
+ 	return code;
+     present = code;
+@@ -91,7 +75,7 @@
+ 		}
+ 	    } else {
+ 		sbw[0] = sbw[2] / 2;
+-		sbw[1] = pbbox->q.y - sbw42[1];
++		sbw[1] = (pbfont->FontBBox.q.y + pbfont->FontBBox.p.y - sbw42[3]) / 2;
+ 		sbw[2] = sbw42[2];
+ 		sbw[3] = sbw42[3];
+ 	    }
+@@ -103,7 +87,7 @@
+     return zchar_set_cache(i_ctx_p, pbfont, cnref,
+ 			   (put_lsb && present == metricsSideBearingAndWidth ?
+ 			    sbw : NULL),
+-			   w, pbbox,
++			   w, &pbfont->FontBBox,
+ 			   cont, exec_cont,
+ 			   gs_rootfont(igs)->WMode ? sbw : NULL);
+ }
+diff -urNad gs-esp-8.15.2.dfsg.1~/src/zfcid1.c gs-esp-8.15.2.dfsg.1/src/zfcid1.c
+--- gs-esp-8.15.2.dfsg.1~/src/zfcid1.c	2006-08-20 13:55:04.000000000 +0900
++++ gs-esp-8.15.2.dfsg.1/src/zfcid1.c	2006-08-20 13:55:39.000000000 +0900
+@@ -35,6 +35,10 @@
+ #include "stream.h"
+ #include "files.h"
++#if 1 /* XXXX */
++private uint z11_find_repl_glyph(gs_font_cid2 *, uint);
+ /* ---------------- CIDFontType 1 (FontType 10) ---------------- */
+ /* <string|name> <font_dict> .buildfont10 <string|name> <font> */
+@@ -67,6 +71,28 @@
+ /* ------ Accessing ------ */
++/* Replace a glyph with a vertical substitution */
++private uint
++z11_find_repl_glyph(gs_font_cid2 *pfont, uint glyph)
++    int i;
++    const byte *data;
++    if (pfont->data.mort_ncgsv_off == 0)
++	return glyph;
++    if ((*pfont->data.string_proc)((gs_font_type42*)pfont,
++		(ulong)pfont->data.mort_ncgsv_off,
++		pfont->data.mort_ncgsv_len, &data) == 0) {
++	for (i=0; i < pfont->data.mort_ncgsv_len; i += 4) {
++	    if (((data[i]<<8)+data[i+1]) == glyph) {
++		return (uint)((data[i+2]<<8)+data[i+3]);
++	    }
++	}
++    }
++    return glyph;
+ /* Map a glyph CID to a TrueType glyph number using the CIDMap. */
+ private int
+ z11_CIDMap_proc(gs_font_cid2 *pfont, gs_glyph glyph)
+@@ -107,6 +133,43 @@
+     }
+     for (i = 0; i < gdbytes; ++i)
+ 	gnum = (gnum << 8) + data[i];
++#if 1 /* XXXX */
++    if ( gnum != 0 &&
++	 pfont->cidata.common.CIDSystemInfo.Registry.size == 5 &&
++	!memcmp(pfont->cidata.common.CIDSystemInfo.Registry.data,"Adobe",5) &&
++	 pfont->cidata.common.CIDSystemInfo.Ordering.size == 6 &&
++	!memcmp(pfont->cidata.common.CIDSystemInfo.Ordering.data,"Japan1",6)) {
++	uint gnum0 = gnum;
++	/* ps string represented in EUC/ShiftJIS are mapped to CID string,
++	 * while certain characters (e.g. 0xa1c4) are mapped to different CID
++	 * (668 or 7897) depending on WMode(0 or 1).
++	 * But, when CID characters are mapped to ShiftJIS/Unicode to get
++	 * corresponding TTF glyphs, certain CID characters are mapped to
++	 * glyphs valid for horizonal writing
++	 * (there is no choice in ShiftJIS encoded TTF), using Resource/CMap
++	 *
++	 * Following code maps certain CID (for vertical writing chars)
++	 * to glyphs for vertical writing regardless of WMode!
++	 * This automatic mapping enables generating PDF of vertical writing.
++	 *
++	 * fixme: range correct?
++	 */
++	if (7887 <= cid && cid <= 7960) {
++	    /* substitute a glyph for vertical writing cid character */
++	    gnum = z11_find_repl_glyph(pfont, gnum);
++	}
++	if (gnum != gnum0) {
++	    if (gs_debug_c('J'))
++		dlprintf3("[J]z11_CIDMap_proc(): cid:%d -> %d -> %d\n",
++				cid, gnum0, gnum);
++	} else if (gs_debug_c('J')) {
++	    dlprintf2("[J]z11_CIDMap_proc(): cid:%d -> %d\n", cid, gnum);
++	}
++    } else if (gs_debug_c('J')) {
++	dlprintf2("[J]z11_CIDMap_proc(): cid:%d -> %d\n", cid, gnum);
++    }
+     return gnum;
+ }

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