Can gstreamer0.10 already be used in unstable?

Rob Taylor robtaylor at
Fri Jan 27 11:36:12 UTC 2006

Loïc Minier wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 26, 2006, Ralph Aichinger wrote:
>>Or will all programs using gstreamer have to
>>be rebuilt first?
>  They will have to, and some software (such as Rhythmbox) were not yet
>  released with 0.10 support (but CVS does support 0.10).

Well, to be more complete, applications need to be reworked to use gst
0.10. However, gst-0.10 and gst-0.8 should be parallel installable, so
you can simply install 0.10 and have full use of applications that have
been ported to use 0.10, whilst retaining the ability to run programs
that haven't been ported yet.

Rob Taylor

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