[Pkg-gtkpod-devel] python-gpod bug

Alex Cornejo acornejo at gmail.com
Mon May 21 07:31:36 UTC 2007

Hi, I believe I found a bug in python-gpod.

It seems that the function "itdb_thumb_get_gdk_pixbuf" is made to
return a "gpointer *", however it should return a gdk.pixbuf object
instance, otherwise there is a memory leak in swig/python.

Each this function is called (when I am debugging python programs from
the console) the following error is printed:

swig/python detected a memory leak of type 'gpointer *', no destructor found.

I believe the bug severity to be medium/serious since for ipods with
large databases (>10,000 songs, which is not uncommon at all) this
leak could potentially result in leaking almost 1GB of memory (each
thumbnail occupies 80k in the ipod, 10,000*80k=800mb).


A l e x  C o r n e j o

Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
IIMAS (Instituto de Matematicas Aplicadas y Sistemas)
mailto: acornejo at gmail.com
Site: http://www.mcc.unam.mx/~acornejoc
Cel: 044 (55) 1119-1123
Phone: (55) 5635-1431

Some people can read a musical score and in their minds hear the
music.... Others can see, in their mind's eye, great beauty and
structure in certain mathematical functions....Lesser folk, like me,
need to hear music played and see numbers rendered to appreciate their
- Peter Schroeder

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