[Pkg-haskell-commits] darcs: darcs: Replace in-house no-libHSDarcs with upstream patch184.

Trent W. Buck trentbuck at gmail.com
Sat Mar 20 16:46:52 UTC 2010

Sat Mar 20 12:15:09 UTC 2010  Trent W. Buck <trentbuck at gmail.com>
  * Replace in-house no-libHSDarcs with upstream patch184.
  Ignore-this: afba44d492ed7c22788c4e729372a54d

    M ./changelog -1 +2
    M ./patches/no-libHSdarcs -380 +25
    M ./rules -1 +1

Sat Mar 20 12:15:09 UTC 2010  Trent W. Buck <trentbuck at gmail.com>
  * Replace in-house no-libHSDarcs with upstream patch184.
  Ignore-this: afba44d492ed7c22788c4e729372a54d
diff -rN -u -purd old-darcs/changelog new-darcs/changelog
--- old-darcs/changelog	2010-03-20 16:46:51.989136643 +0000
+++ new-darcs/changelog	2010-03-20 16:46:51.997137064 +0000
@@ -12,8 +12,9 @@ darcs (2.4-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
   * New upstream release.
   * Avoid mmap 0.5 (see http://bugs.darcs.net/issue1753).
   * Refresh or delete quilt patches.
+  * Replace in-house no-libHSDarcs with upstream patch184.
- -- Trent W. Buck <trentbuck at gmail.com>  Thu, 18 Mar 2010 14:39:32 +1100
+ -- Trent W. Buck <trentbuck at gmail.com>  Sat, 20 Mar 2010 23:12:12 +1100
 darcs (2.3.0-3) unstable; urgency=low
diff -rN -u -purd old-darcs/patches/no-libHSdarcs new-darcs/patches/no-libHSdarcs
--- old-darcs/patches/no-libHSdarcs	2010-03-20 16:46:51.989136643 +0000
+++ new-darcs/patches/no-libHSdarcs	2010-03-20 16:46:51.993136854 +0000
@@ -1,386 +1,31 @@
-Author:         Trent W. Buck <trentbuck at gmail.com>
-Forwarded:      not-needed
+Author:         Ganesh Sittampalam <ganesh at earth.li>
+Forwarded:      http://bugs.darcs.net/patch184
 Bug:            http://bugs.darcs.net/issue1508
-Description:    Disable libHSdarcs.
- I have unilaterally decided to disable compilation and installation of
- libHSdarcs.  My reasons are as follows:
- .
-  * no Debian package needs it;
-  * the API is not stable; and
-  * I do not with to switch back to CDBS (for hlibrary.mk).
- .
- If you need libHSdarcs, file a wishlist bug against Darcs explaining why, and
- in the meantime use "cabal install".
- .
- Not forwarded because upstream prefer to wait for a proper fix in Cabal 1.8.
+Description:    add cabal flag to control build of darcs library
 Index: darcs-2.4/darcs.cabal
---- darcs-2.4.orig/darcs.cabal	2010-03-18 18:58:34.351120535 +1100
-+++ darcs-2.4/darcs.cabal	2010-03-18 18:58:42.883123161 +1100
-@@ -148,262 +148,6 @@
-     c-sources:      src/win32/send_email.c
+--- darcs-2.4.orig/darcs.cabal	2010-03-20 23:05:08.904664322 +1100
++++ darcs-2.4/darcs.cabal	2010-03-20 23:05:10.405659478 +1100
+@@ -97,6 +97,10 @@
+   description: Use GADT type witnesses.
+   default:     False
- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
---- darcs library
---- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
--  hs-source-dirs:   src
--  include-dirs:     src
--  exposed-modules:  CommandLine
--                    Crypt.SHA256
--                    Darcs.ArgumentDefaults
--                    Darcs.Arguments
--                    Darcs.Bug
--                    Darcs.CheckFileSystem
--                    Darcs.ColorPrinter
--                    Darcs.Commands
--                    Darcs.Commands.Add
--                    Darcs.Commands.AmendRecord
--                    Darcs.Commands.Annotate
--                    Darcs.Commands.Apply
--                    Darcs.CommandsAux
--                    Darcs.Commands.Changes
--                    Darcs.Commands.Check
--                    Darcs.Commands.Convert
--                    Darcs.Commands.Diff
--                    Darcs.Commands.Dist
--                    Darcs.Commands.Get
--                    Darcs.Commands.GZCRCs
--                    Darcs.Commands.Help
--                    Darcs.Commands.Init
--                    Darcs.Commands.MarkConflicts
--                    Darcs.Commands.Move
--                    Darcs.Commands.Optimize
--                    Darcs.Commands.Pull
--                    Darcs.Commands.Push
--                    Darcs.Commands.Put
--                    Darcs.Commands.Record
--                    Darcs.Commands.Remove
--                    Darcs.Commands.Repair
--                    Darcs.Commands.Replace
--                    Darcs.Commands.Revert
--                    Darcs.Commands.Rollback
--                    Darcs.Commands.Send
--                    Darcs.Commands.SetPref
--                    Darcs.Commands.Show
--                    Darcs.Commands.ShowAuthors
--                    Darcs.Commands.ShowBug
--                    Darcs.Commands.ShowContents
--                    Darcs.Commands.ShowFiles
--                    Darcs.Commands.ShowIndex
--                    Darcs.Commands.ShowRepo
--                    Darcs.Commands.ShowTags
--                    Darcs.Commands.Tag
--                    Darcs.Commands.TrackDown
--                    Darcs.Commands.TransferMode
--                    Darcs.Commands.Unrecord
--                    Darcs.Commands.Unrevert
--                    Darcs.Commands.WhatsNew
--                    Darcs.Compat
--                    Darcs.Diff
--                    Darcs.Email
--                    Darcs.External
--                    Darcs.FilePathMonad
--                    Darcs.Flags
--                    Darcs.Global
--                    Darcs.Hopefully
--                    Darcs.IO
--                    Darcs.Lock
--                    Darcs.Match
--                    Darcs.Witnesses.Ordered
--                    Darcs.Patch
--                    Darcs.Patch.Apply
--                    Darcs.Patch.Bundle
--                    Darcs.Patch.Choices
--                    Darcs.Patch.Commute
--                    Darcs.Patch.Core
--                    Darcs.Patch.Depends
--                    Darcs.Patch.FileName
--                    Darcs.Patch.Info
--                    Darcs.Patch.Match
--                    Darcs.Patch.MatchData
--                    Darcs.Patch.Non
--                    Darcs.Patch.OldDate
--                    Darcs.Patch.Patchy
--                    Darcs.Patch.Permutations
--                    Darcs.Patch.Prim
--                    Darcs.Patch.Properties
--                    Darcs.Patch.Read
--                    Darcs.Patch.ReadMonads
--                    Darcs.Patch.Real
--                    Darcs.Patch.RegChars
--                    Darcs.Patch.Set
--                    Darcs.Patch.Show
--                    Darcs.Patch.Split
--                    Darcs.Patch.TouchesFiles
--                    Darcs.Patch.Viewing
--                    Darcs.Population
--                    Darcs.PopulationData
--                    Darcs.PrintPatch
--                    Darcs.ProgressPatches
--                    Darcs.RemoteApply
--                    Darcs.RepoPath
--                    Darcs.Repository
--                    Darcs.Repository.ApplyPatches
--                    Darcs.Repository.Cache
--                    Darcs.Repository.Checkpoint
--                    Darcs.Repository.DarcsRepo
--                    Darcs.Repository.Format
--                    Darcs.Repository.HashedIO
--                    Darcs.Repository.HashedRepo
--                    Darcs.Repository.Internal
--                    Darcs.Repository.LowLevel
--                    Darcs.Repository.Merge
--                    Darcs.Repository.InternalTypes
--                    Darcs.Repository.Motd
--                    Darcs.Repository.Prefs
--                    Darcs.Repository.Pristine
--                    Darcs.Repository.Repair
--                    Darcs.Repository.State
--                    Darcs.Resolution
--                    Darcs.RunCommand
--                    Darcs.Witnesses.Sealed
--                    Darcs.SelectChanges
--                    Darcs.Witnesses.Show
--                    Darcs.SignalHandler
--                    Darcs.SlurpDirectory
--                    Darcs.SlurpDirectory.Internal
--                    Darcs.Test
--                    Darcs.Test.Patch.Check
--                    Darcs.TheCommands
--                    Darcs.URL
--                    Darcs.Utils
--                    DateMatcher
--                    English
--                    Exec
--                    ByteStringUtils
--                    HTTP
--                    IsoDate
--                    Lcs
--                    Printer
--                    Progress
--                    Ratified
--                    SHA1
--                    Ssh
--                    URL
--                    Workaround
--  other-modules:    Version
--  c-sources:        src/atomic_create.c
--                    src/fpstring.c
--                    src/maybe_relink.c
--                    src/umask.c
--                    src/Crypt/sha2.c
--  cc-options:       -D_REENTRANT
--  if os(windows)
--    hs-source-dirs: src/win32
--    include-dirs:   src/win32
--    other-modules:  CtrlC
--                    System.Posix
--                    System.Posix.Files
--                    System.Posix.IO
--    cpp-options:    -DWIN32
--  if os(solaris)
--    cc-options:     -DHAVE_SIGINFO_H
--  build-depends:   base          < 4,
--                   regex-compat >= 0.71 && < 0.94,
--                   mtl          >= 1.0 && < 1.2,
--                   parsec       >= 2.0 && < 3.1,
--                   html         == 1.0.*,
--                   filepath     == 1.1.*,
--                   haskeline    >= 0.6.1 && < 0.7,
--                   hashed-storage >= 0.4.7 && < 0.5
--  if !os(windows)
--    build-depends: unix >= 1.0 && < 2.5
--  build-depends: base >= 3,
--                 bytestring >= 0.9.0 && < 0.10,
--                 utf8-string == 0.3.*,
--                   old-time   == 1.0.*,
--                   directory  == 1.0.*,
--                   process    == 1.0.*,
--                   containers >= 0.1 && < 0.4,
--                   array      >= 0.1 && < 0.4,
--                   random     == 1.0.*
--  -- We need optimizations, regardless of what Hackage says
--  ghc-options:      -Wall -O2 -funbox-strict-fields -fwarn-tabs
--  ghc-prof-options: -prof -auto-all
--  if flag(hpc)
--    ghc-prof-options: -fhpc
--  if flag(curl)
--    extra-libraries:   curl
--    includes:          curl/curl.h
--    cpp-options:       -DHAVE_CURL
--    c-sources:         src/hscurl.c
--    cc-options:        -DHAVE_CURL
--    if flag(curl-pipelining)
--      -- curl 7.19.1 has bug-free pipelining
--      if !os(windows)
--        pkgconfig-depends: libcurl >= 7.19.1
--  if flag(http)
--      build-depends:    network == 2.2.*,
--                        HTTP    >= 3000.0 && < 4000.1
--      cpp-options:      -DHAVE_HTTP
--      x-have-http:
--  if (!flag(curl) && !flag(http)) || flag(deps-only)
--      buildable: False
--  if flag(mmap) && !os(windows)
--    build-depends:    mmap >= 0.2
--    cpp-options:      -DHAVE_MMAP
--  build-depends:    zlib >= && <
--  -- The terminfo package cannot be built on Windows.
--  if flag(terminfo) && !os(windows)
--    build-depends:    terminfo == 0.3.*
--    cpp-options:      -DHAVE_TERMINFO
--  if flag(color)
--    x-use-color:
--  extensions:
--    CPP,
--    ForeignFunctionInterface,
--    BangPatterns,
--    PatternGuards,
--    MagicHash,
--    UndecidableInstances,
--    DeriveDataTypeable,
--    GADTs,
--    ImpredicativeTypes,
--    TypeOperators,
--    ExistentialQuantification,
--    FlexibleContexts,
--    FlexibleInstances,
--    ScopedTypeVariables,
--    KindSignatures,
--    TypeSynonymInstances,
--    Rank2Types,
--    RankNTypes,
--    GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving,
--    MultiParamTypeClasses
---- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- darcs itself
++flag library
++  description: Build darcs library
++  default:     True
+ flag color
+   description: Use ansi color escapes.
+@@ -152,6 +156,11 @@
  -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-@@ -524,103 +268,3 @@
-     RankNTypes,
-     GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving,
-     MultiParamTypeClasses
---- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
---- unit test driver
---- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
--Executable          unit
--  main-is:          unit.lhs
--  hs-source-dirs:   src
--  include-dirs:     src
--  c-sources:        src/atomic_create.c
--                    src/fpstring.c
--                    src/maybe_relink.c
--                    src/umask.c
--                    src/Crypt/sha2.c
--  -- We need optimizations, regardless of what Hackage says
--  ghc-options:      -Wall -O2 -funbox-strict-fields
--  ghc-prof-options: -prof -auto-all
--  if flag(threaded)
--    ghc-options:    -threaded
--  if !flag(test)
--    buildable: False
--  else
--    buildable: True
--    build-depends:   base          < 4,
--                     regex-compat >= 0.71 && < 0.94,
--                     mtl          >= 1.0 && < 1.2,
--                     parsec       >= 2.0 && < 3.1,
--                     html         == 1.0.*,
--                     filepath     == 1.1.*,
--                     QuickCheck   >=,
--                     HUnit        >= 1.0,
--                     test-framework             >= 0.2.2,
--                     test-framework-hunit       >= 0.2.2,
--                     test-framework-quickcheck2 >= 0.2.2
--  cc-options:       -D_REENTRANT
--  if os(windows)
--    hs-source-dirs: src/win32
--    include-dirs:   src/win32
--    other-modules:  CtrlC
--                    System.Posix
--                    System.Posix.Files
--                    System.Posix.IO
--    cpp-options:    -DWIN32
--    c-sources:      src/win32/send_email.c
--  if os(solaris)
--    cc-options:     -DHAVE_SIGINFO_H
--  if !os(windows)
--    build-depends: unix >= 1.0 && < 2.5
--  build-depends: base >= 3,
--                 bytestring >= 0.9.0 && < 0.10,
--                   old-time   == 1.0.*,
--                   directory  == 1.0.*,
--                   process    == 1.0.*,
--                   containers >= 0.1 && < 0.4,
--                   array      >= 0.1 && < 0.4,
--                   random     == 1.0.*
--  if flag(mmap) && !os(windows)
--    build-depends:    mmap >= 0.2
--    cpp-options:      -DHAVE_MMAP
--  build-depends:    zlib >= && <
--  -- The terminfo package cannot be built on Windows.
--  if flag(terminfo) && !os(windows)
--    build-depends:    terminfo == 0.3.*
--    cpp-options:      -DHAVE_TERMINFO
--  if flag(color)
--    x-use-color:
--  extensions:
--    CPP,
--    ForeignFunctionInterface,
--    BangPatterns,
--    PatternGuards,
--    MagicHash,
--    UndecidableInstances,
--    DeriveDataTypeable,
--    GADTs,
--    TypeOperators,
--    ExistentialQuantification,
--    FlexibleContexts,
--    FlexibleInstances,
--    ScopedTypeVariables,
--    KindSignatures,
--    TypeSynonymInstances,
--    Rank2Types,
--    RankNTypes,
--    GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving,
--    MultiParamTypeClasses
--    OverlappingInstances
+ Library
++  if flag(library)
++    buildable: True
++  else
++    buildable: False
+   hs-source-dirs:   src
+   include-dirs:     src
diff -rN -u -purd old-darcs/rules new-darcs/rules
--- old-darcs/rules	2010-03-20 16:46:51.985136432 +0000
+++ new-darcs/rules	2010-03-20 16:46:51.997137064 +0000
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ override_dh_auto_build: Setup
 override_dh_auto_clean: Setup
 	./Setup clean
 override_dh_auto_configure: Setup
-	./Setup configure --prefix=/usr -fcurl-pipelining --constraint=parsec\<3 $(if $(wildcard /usr/lib/*/libHSrts_thr.a),,-f-threaded)
+	./Setup configure --prefix=/usr -fcurl-pipelining --constraint=parsec\<3 $(if $(wildcard /usr/lib/*/libHSrts_thr.a),,-f-threaded) -f-library
 override_dh_auto_install: Setup
 	./Setup copy --destdir=$(CURDIR)/debian/darcs
 override_dh_auto_test: Setup

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