[Pkg-haskell-commits] darcs: haskell-hoogle: Relax recommends on apache2

Iustin Pop iustin at debian.org
Mon Jul 28 00:24:40 UTC 2014

Sun Jul 27 23:12:16 UTC 2014  Iustin Pop <iustin at debian.org>
  * Relax recommends on apache2
  Per lintian warning:
  web-application-should-not-depend-unconditionally-on-apache2. While the package
  only installs an apache-style conf.d snippet, the cgi-bin script should work on
  other webservers indeed, so we can fix this warning.

    M ./control -1 +1

Sun Jul 27 23:12:16 UTC 2014  Iustin Pop <iustin at debian.org>
  * Relax recommends on apache2
  Per lintian warning:
  web-application-should-not-depend-unconditionally-on-apache2. While the package
  only installs an apache-style conf.d snippet, the cgi-bin script should work on
  other webservers indeed, so we can fix this warning.
diff -rN -u old-haskell-hoogle/control new-haskell-hoogle/control
--- old-haskell-hoogle/control	2014-07-28 00:24:40.051372425 +0000
+++ new-haskell-hoogle/control	2014-07-28 00:24:40.071372437 +0000
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@
 Architecture: any
 Section: misc
 Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${haskell:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, ghc-doc
-Recommends: apache2
+Recommends: apache2 | httpd
 Description: Haskell API Search for Debian system
  Hoogle is a Haskell API search engine, which allows you to
  search many standard Haskell libraries by either function name,

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