[Git][haskell-team/package-plan][master] Fix package plan; add r0 for stack-2.3.3.cabal to sidestep whitespace changes in r1.

Felix Lechner (@lechner) gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Sat Mar 19 00:09:01 GMT 2022

Felix Lechner pushed to branch master at Debian Haskell Group / package-plan

09209b04 by Felix Lechner at 2022-03-18T17:08:33-07:00
Fix package plan; add r0 for stack-2.3.3.cabal to sidestep whitespace changes in r1.

Adds the original (r0) cabal file for stack-2.3.3 to the package plan. A recent
metadata edit [1] added an upper bound but also reindented large portions of
the file. The Debian patch failed solely due to those whitespace changes.

According to Libera:#hackage the reindenting happens sometimes when metadata
edits are made via the Hackage web interface.

Since the upper bound is not required (judging from past runs of the package
plan) and the value of the appropriate upper bound may change in future 'stack'
releases, it seemed superior to add the r0 metadata to the package plan instead
of updating the Debian patch.

Apparently, the 'stack' upstream folks do not provide upper bounds in their
releases for philosophical reasons.

[1] https://hackage.haskell.org/package/stack-2.3.3/revision/1.cabal

- - - - -

1 changed file:

- + additional-cabals/stack-2.3.3.cabal


@@ -0,0 +1,724 @@
+cabal-version:      2.0
+name:               stack
+version:            2.3.3
+license:            BSD3
+license-file:       LICENSE
+maintainer:         manny at fpcomplete.com
+author:             Commercial Haskell SIG
+homepage:           http://haskellstack.org
+bug-reports:        https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues
+synopsis:           The Haskell Tool Stack
+    Please see the documentation at <https://docs.haskellstack.org>
+    for usage information.
+    .
+    If building a 'stack' executable for distribution, please download the
+    source code from <https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/releases>
+    and build it using Stack itself in order to ensure identical behaviour
+    to official binaries.  This package on Hackage is provided for convenience
+    and bootstrapping purposes.
+    .
+    Note that the API for the library is not currently stable, and may
+    change significantly, even between minor releases. It is
+    currently only intended for use by the executable.
+category:           Development
+build-type:         Custom
+    ChangeLog.md
+    README.md
+    stack.yaml
+    doc/azure_ci.md
+    doc/build_command.md
+    doc/build_overview.md
+    doc/ChangeLog.md
+    doc/CONTRIBUTING.md
+    doc/coverage.md
+    doc/custom_snapshot.md
+    doc/dependency_visualization.md
+    doc/developing_on_windows.md
+    doc/docker_integration.md
+    doc/faq.md
+    doc/ghci.md
+    doc/ghcjs.md
+    doc/GUIDE.md
+    doc/install_and_upgrade.md
+    doc/lock_files.md
+    doc/nix_integration.md
+    doc/nonstandard_project_init.md
+    doc/pantry.md
+    doc/README.md
+    doc/shell_autocompletion.md
+    doc/SIGNING_KEY.md
+    doc/stack_yaml_vs_cabal_package_file.md
+    doc/travis_ci.md
+    doc/yaml_configuration.md
+    src/setup-shim/StackSetupShim.hs
+    test/package-dump/ghc-7.10.txt
+    test/package-dump/ghc-7.8.4-osx.txt
+    test/package-dump/ghc-7.8.txt
+    test/package-dump/ghc-head.txt
+    src/test/Stack/Untar/test1.tar.gz
+    src/test/Stack/Untar/test2.tar.gz
+source-repository head
+    type:     git
+    location: https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack
+    setup-depends:
+        Cabal >=,
+        base >=4.10 && <5,
+        filepath >=
+flag developer-mode
+    description: By default, should extra developer information be output?
+    default:     False
+    manual:      True
+flag disable-git-info
+    description: Disable compile-time inclusion of current git info in stack
+    default:     False
+    manual:      True
+flag hide-dependency-versions
+    description:
+        Hides dependency versions from 'stack --version', used only by building Stack and the default 'stack.yaml'.  Note to packagers/distributors: DO NOT OVERRIDE THIS FLAG IF YOU ARE BUILDING 'stack' ANY OTHER WAY (e.g. using cabal or from Hackage), as it makes debugging support requests more difficult.
+    default:     False
+    manual:      True
+flag integration-tests
+    description: Run the integration test suite
+    default:     False
+    manual:      True
+flag static
+    description: Pass -static/-pthread to ghc when linking the stack binary.
+    default:     False
+    manual:      True
+flag supported-build
+    description:
+        If false, causes 'stack --version' to issue a warning about the build being unsupported.  Should be True only if building with Stack and the default 'stack.yaml'.  Note to packagers/distributors: DO NOT OVERRIDE THIS FLAG IF YOU ARE BUILDING 'stack' ANY OTHER WAY (e.g. using cabal or from Hackage), as it makes debugging support requests more difficult.
+    default:     False
+    manual:      True
+    exposed-modules:
+        Control.Concurrent.Execute
+        Data.Attoparsec.Args
+        Data.Attoparsec.Combinators
+        Data.Attoparsec.Interpreter
+        Data.Monoid.Map
+        Network.HTTP.StackClient
+        Options.Applicative.Args
+        Options.Applicative.Builder.Extra
+        Options.Applicative.Complicated
+        Path.CheckInstall
+        Path.Extra
+        Path.Find
+        Stack.Build
+        Stack.Build.Cache
+        Stack.Build.ConstructPlan
+        Stack.Build.Execute
+        Stack.Build.Haddock
+        Stack.Build.Installed
+        Stack.Build.Source
+        Stack.Build.Target
+        Stack.BuildPlan
+        Stack.Clean
+        Stack.Config
+        Stack.Config.Build
+        Stack.Config.Docker
+        Stack.Config.Nix
+        Stack.ConfigCmd
+        Stack.Constants
+        Stack.Constants.Config
+        Stack.Coverage
+        Stack.DefaultColorWhen
+        Stack.Docker
+        Stack.Dot
+        Stack.FileWatch
+        Stack.GhcPkg
+        Stack.Ghci
+        Stack.Ghci.Script
+        Stack.Hoogle
+        Stack.IDE
+        Stack.Init
+        Stack.Ls
+        Stack.Lock
+        Stack.New
+        Stack.Nix
+        Stack.Options.BenchParser
+        Stack.Options.BuildMonoidParser
+        Stack.Options.BuildParser
+        Stack.Options.CleanParser
+        Stack.Options.ConfigParser
+        Stack.Options.Completion
+        Stack.Options.DockerParser
+        Stack.Options.DotParser
+        Stack.Options.ExecParser
+        Stack.Options.GhcBuildParser
+        Stack.Options.GhciParser
+        Stack.Options.GhcVariantParser
+        Stack.Options.GlobalParser
+        Stack.Options.HaddockParser
+        Stack.Options.HpcReportParser
+        Stack.Options.LogLevelParser
+        Stack.Options.NewParser
+        Stack.Options.NixParser
+        Stack.Options.PackageParser
+        Stack.Options.ResolverParser
+        Stack.Options.ScriptParser
+        Stack.Options.SDistParser
+        Stack.Options.TestParser
+        Stack.Options.Utils
+        Stack.Package
+        Stack.PackageDump
+        Stack.Path
+        Stack.Prelude
+        Stack.Runners
+        Stack.Script
+        Stack.SDist
+        Stack.Setup
+        Stack.Setup.Installed
+        Stack.SetupCmd
+        Stack.SourceMap
+        Stack.Storage.Project
+        Stack.Storage.User
+        Stack.Storage.Util
+        Stack.Types.Build
+        Stack.Types.CompilerBuild
+        Stack.Types.Compiler
+        Stack.Types.Config
+        Stack.Types.Config.Build
+        Stack.Types.Docker
+        Stack.Types.GhcPkgId
+        Stack.Types.NamedComponent
+        Stack.Types.Nix
+        Stack.Types.Package
+        Stack.Types.PackageName
+        Stack.Types.Resolver
+        Stack.Types.SourceMap
+        Stack.Types.TemplateName
+        Stack.Types.Version
+        Stack.Types.VersionIntervals
+        Stack.Unpack
+        Stack.Upgrade
+        Stack.Upload
+        System.Info.ShortPathName
+        System.Permissions
+        System.Process.Pager
+        System.Terminal
+        Paths_stack
+    hs-source-dirs:   src/
+    other-modules:
+        Path.Extended
+        Stack.Types.Cache
+    autogen-modules:  Paths_stack
+    default-language: Haskell2010
+    ghc-options:
+        -Wall -fwarn-tabs -fwarn-incomplete-uni-patterns
+        -fwarn-incomplete-record-updates -optP-Wno-nonportable-include-path
+        -fwarn-identities
+    build-depends:
+        Cabal >=,
+        aeson >=,
+        annotated-wl-pprint >=0.7.0,
+        ansi-terminal >=0.9.1,
+        array >=,
+        async >=2.2.2,
+        attoparsec >=,
+        base >=4.10 && <5,
+        base64-bytestring >=,
+        bytestring >=,
+        casa-client >=0.0.1,
+        casa-types >=0.0.1,
+        colour >=2.3.5,
+        conduit >=,
+        conduit-extra >=1.3.4,
+        containers >=,
+        cryptonite >=0.25,
+        cryptonite-conduit >=0.2.2,
+        deepseq >=,
+        directory >=,
+        echo >=0.1.3,
+        exceptions >=0.10.4,
+        extra >=1.6.19,
+        file-embed >=,
+        filelock >=,
+        filepath >=,
+        fsnotify >=,
+        generic-deriving >=1.12.4,
+        hackage-security >=,
+        hashable >=,
+        hi-file-parser >=,
+        hpack >=0.33.0,
+        hpc >=,
+        http-client >=0.6.4,
+        http-client-tls >=,
+        http-conduit >=,
+        http-download >=,
+        http-types >=0.12.3,
+        memory >=0.14.18,
+        microlens >=0.4.10,
+        mintty >=0.1.2,
+        mono-traversable >=,
+        mtl >=2.2.2,
+        mustache >=2.3.1,
+        neat-interpolation >=,
+        network-uri >=,
+        open-browser >=,
+        optparse-applicative >=,
+        pantry ==0.4.*,
+        path >=0.6.1,
+        path-io >=1.4.2,
+        persistent >=2.9.2,
+        persistent-sqlite >=2.9.3,
+        persistent-template >=2.6.0,
+        pretty >=,
+        primitive >=,
+        process >=,
+        project-template >=,
+        regex-applicative-text >=,
+        retry >=,
+        rio >=,
+        rio-prettyprint >=,
+        semigroups >=0.18.5,
+        split >=,
+        stm >=,
+        streaming-commons >=,
+        tar >=,
+        template-haskell >=,
+        temporary >=1.3,
+        text >=,
+        text-metrics >=0.3.0,
+        th-reify-many >=0.1.9,
+        time >=,
+        tls >=1.4.1,
+        transformers >=,
+        typed-process >=,
+        unicode-transforms >=0.3.6,
+        unix-compat >=0.5.2,
+        unliftio >=0.2.12,
+        unordered-containers >=,
+        vector >=,
+        yaml >=,
+        zip-archive >=0.4.1,
+        zlib >=
+    if os(windows)
+        cpp-options:   -DWINDOWS
+        build-depends: Win32 >=
+    else
+        build-tool-depends: hsc2hs:hsc2hs -any
+        build-depends:      unix >=
+    if flag(developer-mode)
+        cpp-options: -DSTACK_DEVELOPER_MODE_DEFAULT=True
+    else
+        cpp-options: -DSTACK_DEVELOPER_MODE_DEFAULT=False
+    if os(windows)
+        hs-source-dirs: src/windows/
+        other-modules:  System.Uname
+    else
+        c-sources:      src/unix/cbits/uname.c
+        hs-source-dirs: src/unix/
+        other-modules:  System.Uname
+executable stack
+    main-is:          Main.hs
+    hs-source-dirs:   src/main
+    other-modules:
+        BuildInfo
+        Build_stack
+        Paths_stack
+    autogen-modules:
+        Build_stack
+        Paths_stack
+    default-language: Haskell2010
+    ghc-options:
+        -Wall -fwarn-tabs -fwarn-incomplete-uni-patterns
+        -fwarn-incomplete-record-updates -optP-Wno-nonportable-include-path
+        -threaded -rtsopts
+    build-depends:
+        Cabal >=,
+        aeson >=,
+        annotated-wl-pprint >=0.7.0,
+        ansi-terminal >=0.9.1,
+        array >=,
+        async >=2.2.2,
+        attoparsec >=,
+        base >=4.10 && <5,
+        base64-bytestring >=,
+        bytestring >=,
+        casa-client >=0.0.1,
+        casa-types >=0.0.1,
+        colour >=2.3.5,
+        conduit >=,
+        conduit-extra >=1.3.4,
+        containers >=,
+        cryptonite >=0.25,
+        cryptonite-conduit >=0.2.2,
+        deepseq >=,
+        directory >=,
+        echo >=0.1.3,
+        exceptions >=0.10.4,
+        extra >=1.6.19,
+        file-embed >=,
+        filelock >=,
+        filepath >=,
+        fsnotify >=,
+        generic-deriving >=1.12.4,
+        hackage-security >=,
+        hashable >=,
+        hi-file-parser >=,
+        hpack >=0.33.0,
+        hpc >=,
+        http-client >=0.6.4,
+        http-client-tls >=,
+        http-conduit >=,
+        http-download >=,
+        http-types >=0.12.3,
+        memory >=0.14.18,
+        microlens >=0.4.10,
+        mintty >=0.1.2,
+        mono-traversable >=,
+        mtl >=2.2.2,
+        mustache >=2.3.1,
+        neat-interpolation >=,
+        network-uri >=,
+        open-browser >=,
+        optparse-applicative >=,
+        pantry ==0.4.*,
+        path >=0.6.1,
+        path-io >=1.4.2,
+        persistent >=2.9.2,
+        persistent-sqlite >=2.9.3,
+        persistent-template >=2.6.0,
+        pretty >=,
+        primitive >=,
+        process >=,
+        project-template >=,
+        regex-applicative-text >=,
+        retry >=,
+        rio >=,
+        rio-prettyprint >=,
+        semigroups >=0.18.5,
+        split >=,
+        stack -any,
+        stm >=,
+        streaming-commons >=,
+        tar >=,
+        template-haskell >=,
+        temporary >=1.3,
+        text >=,
+        text-metrics >=0.3.0,
+        th-reify-many >=0.1.9,
+        time >=,
+        tls >=1.4.1,
+        transformers >=,
+        typed-process >=,
+        unicode-transforms >=0.3.6,
+        unix-compat >=0.5.2,
+        unliftio >=0.2.12,
+        unordered-containers >=,
+        vector >=,
+        yaml >=,
+        zip-archive >=0.4.1,
+        zlib >=
+    if os(windows)
+        cpp-options:   -DWINDOWS
+        build-depends: Win32 >=
+    else
+        build-tool-depends: hsc2hs:hsc2hs -any
+        build-depends:      unix >=
+    if flag(developer-mode)
+        cpp-options: -DSTACK_DEVELOPER_MODE_DEFAULT=True
+    else
+        cpp-options: -DSTACK_DEVELOPER_MODE_DEFAULT=False
+    if flag(static)
+        ld-options: -static -pthread
+    if !flag(disable-git-info)
+        cpp-options:   -DUSE_GIT_INFO
+        build-depends:
+            githash >=,
+            optparse-simple >=
+    if flag(hide-dependency-versions)
+        cpp-options: -DHIDE_DEP_VERSIONS
+    if flag(supported-build)
+        cpp-options: -DSUPPORTED_BUILD
+executable stack-integration-test
+    main-is:          IntegrationSpec.hs
+    hs-source-dirs:   test/integration test/integration/lib
+    other-modules:
+        StackTest
+        Paths_stack
+    default-language: Haskell2010
+    ghc-options:
+        -Wall -fwarn-tabs -fwarn-incomplete-uni-patterns
+        -fwarn-incomplete-record-updates -optP-Wno-nonportable-include-path
+        -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N
+    build-depends:
+        Cabal >=,
+        aeson >=,
+        annotated-wl-pprint >=0.7.0,
+        ansi-terminal >=0.9.1,
+        array >=,
+        async >=2.2.2,
+        attoparsec >=,
+        base >=4.10 && <5,
+        base64-bytestring >=,
+        bytestring >=,
+        casa-client >=0.0.1,
+        casa-types >=0.0.1,
+        colour >=2.3.5,
+        conduit >=,
+        conduit-extra >=1.3.4,
+        containers >=,
+        cryptonite >=0.25,
+        cryptonite-conduit >=0.2.2,
+        deepseq >=,
+        directory >=,
+        echo >=0.1.3,
+        exceptions >=0.10.4,
+        extra >=1.6.19,
+        file-embed >=,
+        filelock >=,
+        filepath >=,
+        fsnotify >=,
+        generic-deriving >=1.12.4,
+        hackage-security >=,
+        hashable >=,
+        hi-file-parser >=,
+        hpack >=0.33.0,
+        hpc >=,
+        hspec >=2.7.1,
+        http-client >=0.6.4,
+        http-client-tls >=,
+        http-conduit >=,
+        http-download >=,
+        http-types >=0.12.3,
+        memory >=0.14.18,
+        microlens >=0.4.10,
+        mintty >=0.1.2,
+        mono-traversable >=,
+        mtl >=2.2.2,
+        mustache >=2.3.1,
+        neat-interpolation >=,
+        network-uri >=,
+        open-browser >=,
+        optparse-applicative >=,
+        optparse-generic >=1.3.1,
+        pantry ==0.4.*,
+        path >=0.6.1,
+        path-io >=1.4.2,
+        persistent >=2.9.2,
+        persistent-sqlite >=2.9.3,
+        persistent-template >=2.6.0,
+        pretty >=,
+        primitive >=,
+        process >=,
+        project-template >=,
+        regex-applicative-text >=,
+        retry >=,
+        rio >=,
+        rio-prettyprint >=,
+        semigroups >=0.18.5,
+        split >=,
+        stm >=,
+        streaming-commons >=,
+        tar >=,
+        template-haskell >=,
+        temporary >=1.3,
+        text >=,
+        text-metrics >=0.3.0,
+        th-reify-many >=0.1.9,
+        time >=,
+        tls >=1.4.1,
+        transformers >=,
+        typed-process >=,
+        unicode-transforms >=0.3.6,
+        unix-compat >=0.5.2,
+        unliftio >=0.2.12,
+        unordered-containers >=,
+        vector >=,
+        yaml >=,
+        zip-archive >=0.4.1,
+        zlib >=
+    if os(windows)
+        cpp-options:   -DWINDOWS
+        build-depends: Win32 >=
+    else
+        build-tool-depends: hsc2hs:hsc2hs -any
+        build-depends:      unix >=
+    if flag(developer-mode)
+        cpp-options: -DSTACK_DEVELOPER_MODE_DEFAULT=True
+    else
+        cpp-options: -DSTACK_DEVELOPER_MODE_DEFAULT=False
+    if !flag(integration-tests)
+        buildable: False
+    if flag(static)
+        ld-options: -static -pthread
+test-suite stack-test
+    type:             exitcode-stdio-1.0
+    main-is:          Spec.hs
+    hs-source-dirs:   src/test
+    other-modules:
+        Stack.ArgsSpec
+        Stack.Build.ExecuteSpec
+        Stack.Build.TargetSpec
+        Stack.Config.DockerSpec
+        Stack.ConfigSpec
+        Stack.DotSpec
+        Stack.Ghci.PortableFakePaths
+        Stack.Ghci.ScriptSpec
+        Stack.GhciSpec
+        Stack.LockSpec
+        Stack.NixSpec
+        Stack.PackageDumpSpec
+        Stack.Types.TemplateNameSpec
+        Stack.UploadSpec
+        Paths_stack
+    default-language: Haskell2010
+    ghc-options:
+        -Wall -fwarn-tabs -fwarn-incomplete-uni-patterns
+        -fwarn-incomplete-record-updates -optP-Wno-nonportable-include-path
+        -threaded
+    build-depends:
+        Cabal >=,
+        QuickCheck >=2.13.2,
+        aeson >=,
+        annotated-wl-pprint >=0.7.0,
+        ansi-terminal >=0.9.1,
+        array >=,
+        async >=2.2.2,
+        attoparsec >=,
+        base >=4.10 && <5,
+        base64-bytestring >=,
+        bytestring >=,
+        casa-client >=0.0.1,
+        casa-types >=0.0.1,
+        colour >=2.3.5,
+        conduit >=,
+        conduit-extra >=1.3.4,
+        containers >=,
+        cryptonite >=0.25,
+        cryptonite-conduit >=0.2.2,
+        deepseq >=,
+        directory >=,
+        echo >=0.1.3,
+        exceptions >=0.10.4,
+        extra >=1.6.19,
+        file-embed >=,
+        filelock >=,
+        filepath >=,
+        fsnotify >=,
+        generic-deriving >=1.12.4,
+        hackage-security >=,
+        hashable >=,
+        hi-file-parser >=,
+        hpack >=0.33.0,
+        hpc >=,
+        hspec >=2.7.1,
+        http-client >=0.6.4,
+        http-client-tls >=,
+        http-conduit >=,
+        http-download >=,
+        http-types >=0.12.3,
+        memory >=0.14.18,
+        microlens >=0.4.10,
+        mintty >=0.1.2,
+        mono-traversable >=,
+        mtl >=2.2.2,
+        mustache >=2.3.1,
+        neat-interpolation >=,
+        network-uri >=,
+        open-browser >=,
+        optparse-applicative >=,
+        pantry ==0.4.*,
+        path >=0.6.1,
+        path-io >=1.4.2,
+        persistent >=2.9.2,
+        persistent-sqlite >=2.9.3,
+        persistent-template >=2.6.0,
+        pretty >=,
+        primitive >=,
+        process >=,
+        project-template >=,
+        raw-strings-qq >=1.1,
+        regex-applicative-text >=,
+        retry >=,
+        rio >=,
+        rio-prettyprint >=,
+        semigroups >=0.18.5,
+        smallcheck >=1.1.5,
+        split >=,
+        stack -any,
+        stm >=,
+        streaming-commons >=,
+        tar >=,
+        template-haskell >=,
+        temporary >=1.3,
+        text >=,
+        text-metrics >=0.3.0,
+        th-reify-many >=0.1.9,
+        time >=,
+        tls >=1.4.1,
+        transformers >=,
+        typed-process >=,
+        unicode-transforms >=0.3.6,
+        unix-compat >=0.5.2,
+        unliftio >=0.2.12,
+        unordered-containers >=,
+        vector >=,
+        yaml >=,
+        zip-archive >=0.4.1,
+        zlib >=
+    if os(windows)
+        cpp-options:   -DWINDOWS
+        build-depends: Win32 >=
+    else
+        build-tool-depends: hsc2hs:hsc2hs -any
+        build-depends:      unix >=
+    if flag(developer-mode)
+        cpp-options: -DSTACK_DEVELOPER_MODE_DEFAULT=True
+    else
+        cpp-options: -DSTACK_DEVELOPER_MODE_DEFAULT=False

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/haskell-team/package-plan/-/commit/09209b0409509a9fad16dfe9e0912d8e9be7e77e

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