[Git][haskell-team/DHG_packages][haskell-hdf5_v1.8.10-2] 62 commits: warp: Disable testsuite on mipsel

Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca (@picca) gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Sat Oct 15 13:17:12 BST 2022

Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca pushed to tag haskell-hdf5_v1.8.10-2 at Debian Haskell Group / DHG_packages

2f4327a6 by Ilias Tsitsimpis at 2022-09-30T11:02:46+03:00
warp: Disable testsuite on mipsel

- - - - -
93d11c50 by Hilko Bengen at 2022-10-02T14:22:58+02:00
Initial packaging of language-glsl

- - - - -
c75e75d0 by Clint Adams at 2022-10-02T14:20:47-04:00
gi-freetype2: bump

- - - - -
aa54bc29 by Clint Adams at 2022-10-02T14:21:49-04:00
curve25519: bump

- - - - -
3e3f8f49 by Clint Adams at 2022-10-02T14:25:29-04:00
gi-harfbuzz: patch for new gi-freetype2 dependency

- - - - -
62cfe875 by Scott Talbert at 2022-10-02T17:46:17-04:00
clash-lib: Disable RTS -N

- - - - -
65eae950 by Scott Talbert at 2022-10-02T18:06:36-04:00
copilot-language: Post-NEW source-only upload

- - - - -
4d354a49 by Ilias Tsitsimpis at 2022-10-03T10:09:25+03:00
Delete ROM-ed packages

- - - - -
0add144c by Gianfranco Costamagna at 2022-10-03T11:47:11+02:00
ghc: don't reduce max-parallel for s390x and arm* builders, Ubuntu seems to build now correctly.
Enable unregisterised on armhf only in Ubuntu builds

- - - - -
6747b2e4 by Ilias Tsitsimpis at 2022-10-03T21:36:43+03:00
hclip: Minor changelog rewording

- - - - -
961d3604 by Scott Talbert at 2022-10-03T21:23:44-04:00
Initial packaging of copilot-libraries-3.10

- - - - -
67b0f388 by Hilko Bengen at 2022-10-05T00:49:05+02:00
language-glsl: Add Homepage, Vcs* to control

- - - - -
f78568e1 by Hilko Bengen at 2022-10-05T01:11:00+02:00
language-glsl: Upload to unstable

- - - - -
2f9a6805 by Clint Adams at 2022-10-04T20:43:06-04:00
curve25519: Upgrading from 0.2.6 to 0.2.7

- - - - -
3d4b4254 by Clint Adams at 2022-10-04T20:56:42-04:00
esqueleto: Upgrading from to

- - - - -
74fcb233 by Clint Adams at 2022-10-04T21:03:48-04:00
pantry: Upgrading from 0.5.5 to 0.5.7

- - - - -
3ddec86b by Scott Talbert at 2022-10-05T22:21:42-04:00
copilot-libraries: Post-NEW source-only upload

- - - - -
ee86e254 by Scott Talbert at 2022-10-05T22:34:40-04:00
Initial packaging of copilot-3.10

- - - - -
3a3a9d04 by Scott Talbert at 2022-10-05T22:57:27-04:00
Initial packaging of copilot-interpreter-3.11

- - - - -
2fa8398a by Hilko Bengen at 2022-10-07T01:16:04+02:00
elm-compiler: Upload to unstable

- - - - -
0b125797 by Scott Talbert at 2022-10-06T19:27:42-04:00
copilot-core: Upgrading from 3.10 to 3.11

- - - - -
74c6f55a by Scott Talbert at 2022-10-06T19:30:07-04:00
copilot-theorem: Upgrading from 3.10 to 3.11

- - - - -
016e728a by Scott Talbert at 2022-10-06T19:37:42-04:00
copilot-c99: Upgrading from 3.10 to 3.11

- - - - -
cfb8842c by Scott Talbert at 2022-10-06T19:46:12-04:00
copilot-language: Upgrading from 3.10 to 3.11

- - - - -
9a40f8b5 by Scott Talbert at 2022-10-06T19:48:19-04:00
copilot-libraries: Upgrading from 3.10 to 3.11

- - - - -
442a76ee by Scott Talbert at 2022-10-06T19:56:52-04:00
language-c99: Upgrading from 0.1.3 to 0.2.0

- - - - -
dd7f6e2d by Scott Talbert at 2022-10-06T20:00:18-04:00
language-c99-util: Upgrading from 0.1.1 to 0.2.0

- - - - -
e8886bf6 by Scott Talbert at 2022-10-06T20:05:35-04:00
language-c99-simple: Upgrading from 0.1.2 to 0.2.2

- - - - -
af13ca08 by Scott Talbert at 2022-10-06T20:53:38-04:00
Initial packaging of clash-ghc-1.6.3

- - - - -
2027d727 by Hilko Bengen at 2022-10-07T09:10:01+02:00
Post-NEW source-only upload

- - - - -
1160223c by Clint Adams at 2022-10-07T12:54:51-04:00
topograph: Upgrading from to

- - - - -
45b25db9 by Clint Adams at 2022-10-07T13:09:42-04:00
config-value: Upgrading from to 0.8.3

- - - - -
703be5de by Ilias Tsitsimpis at 2022-10-08T10:34:22+03:00
Delete RM-ed packages

- - - - -
b314c1c2 by Ilias Tsitsimpis at 2022-10-08T13:41:22+03:00
yi: Minor changelog rewording

- - - - -
926cce7a by Ilias Tsitsimpis at 2022-10-08T13:49:24+03:00
yi-rope: Sourceful upload for GHC 9.0.2

- - - - -
2edb8223 by Clint Adams at 2022-10-08T09:32:13-04:00
config-schema: Upgrading from to

- - - - -
0f0c48db by Hilko Bengen at 2022-10-09T18:02:50+02:00
elm-compiler: Post-NEW source-only upload

- - - - -
2389deee by Scott Talbert at 2022-10-09T19:34:54-04:00
copilot-interpreter: Post-NEW source-only upload

- - - - -
7c89649b by Scott Talbert at 2022-10-09T19:43:24-04:00
copilot: Upgrading from 3.10 to 3.11

- - - - -
d7582dc9 by Scott Talbert at 2022-10-09T20:30:14-04:00
what4: Disable template tests on non-x86_64 to fix FTBFS

- - - - -
91e33d1a by Scott Talbert at 2022-10-10T10:40:06-04:00
doctest-parallel: Upgrading from 0.2.3 to 0.2.5

- - - - -
1cdb0c56 by Scott Talbert at 2022-10-10T10:47:02-04:00
ghc-tcplugins-extra: Upgrading from 0.4.2 to 0.4.3

- - - - -
e32eeee3 by Scott Talbert at 2022-10-10T10:54:24-04:00
clash-prelude: Upgrading from 1.6.3 to 1.6.4

- - - - -
9efea386 by Scott Talbert at 2022-10-10T11:09:02-04:00
clash-lib: Upgrading from 1.6.3 to 1.6.4

- - - - -
76e87cda by Scott Talbert at 2022-10-10T12:56:49-04:00
clash-ghc: Upgrading from 1.6.3 to 1.6.4

- - - - -
7645ca7c by Scott Talbert at 2022-10-10T13:03:37-04:00
hslua-module-path: Upgrading from 1.0.2 to 1.0.3

- - - - -
0ee27dd3 by Scott Talbert at 2022-10-10T13:08:14-04:00
hslua-module-version: Upgrading from 1.0.2 to 1.0.3

- - - - -
527e76d4 by Scott Talbert at 2022-10-10T13:14:17-04:00
pandoc-lua-marshal: Upgrading from to 0.1.7

- - - - -
00c744e6 by Scott Talbert at 2022-10-10T13:29:37-04:00
haskell-gi-base: Upgrading from 0.26.0 to 0.26.1

- - - - -
61a53e50 by Scott Talbert at 2022-10-10T13:35:43-04:00
haskell-gi: Upgrading from 0.26.0 to 0.26.1

- - - - -
7a2f0088 by Scott Talbert at 2022-10-10T13:47:12-04:00
gi-harfbuzz: Upgrading from 0.0.5 to 0.0.6

- - - - -
36b7de72 by Scott Talbert at 2022-10-10T13:55:31-04:00
libBF: Upgrading from 0.6.3 to

- - - - -
fe4c44b8 by Scott Talbert at 2022-10-10T13:59:57-04:00
misfortune: Upgrading from 0.1.2 to

- - - - -
e096e9be by Scott Talbert at 2022-10-10T14:20:03-04:00
singletons: Upgrading from 3.0.1 to 3.0.2

- - - - -
d91a0420 by Scott Talbert at 2022-10-10T14:29:59-04:00
th-orphans: Upgrading from 0.13.13 to 0.13.14

- - - - -
831e64ce by Scott Talbert at 2022-10-11T20:09:16-04:00
what4: Disable expr-builder-smtlib2 test also on non-x86_64

- - - - -
0cb463c1 by Scott Talbert at 2022-10-11T20:50:13-04:00
hedgehog-classes: Disable tests on armhf

- - - - -
0eb633ce by Scott Talbert at 2022-10-11T22:14:11-04:00
persistent: Fix tests on 32-bit arches (Closes: #1017571)

- - - - -
2937b052 by Scott Talbert at 2022-10-12T15:53:34-04:00
ghc-lib-parser-ex: Disable RTS -N

- - - - -
2a9000e6 by Scott Talbert at 2022-10-12T16:41:25-04:00
hdbc-sqlite3: Sourceful upload for GHC 9.0.2

- - - - -
676a092b by Picca Frédéric-Emmanuel at 2022-10-15T14:15:26+02:00
libffi: uploaded for test ing migration

- - - - -
bbbc3831 by Picca Frédéric-Emmanuel at 2022-10-15T14:15:26+02:00
hdf5: post NEW upload

- - - - -

30 changed files:

- + p/elm-compiler/debian/README.source
- + p/elm-compiler/debian/changelog
- + p/elm-compiler/debian/clean
- p/haskell-bindings-nettle/debian/compat → p/elm-compiler/debian/compat
- + p/elm-compiler/debian/control
- + p/elm-compiler/debian/copyright
- + p/elm-compiler/debian/elm-compiler.docs
- + p/elm-compiler/debian/elm-compiler.install
- + p/elm-compiler/debian/make-packages-origtar.sh
- + p/elm-compiler/debian/patches/0001-Remmove-upper-bounds-for-build-dependencies.patch
- + p/elm-compiler/debian/patches/series
- + p/elm-compiler/debian/rules
- p/haskell-bindings-nettle/debian/source/format → p/elm-compiler/debian/source/format
- + p/elm-compiler/debian/source/lintian-overrides
- + p/elm-compiler/debian/watch
- p/ghc/debian/rules
- − p/haskell-bindings-nettle/debian/changelog
- − p/haskell-bindings-nettle/debian/copyright
- − p/haskell-bindings-nettle/debian/watch
- − p/haskell-bindings-sane/debian/changelog
- − p/haskell-bindings-sane/debian/control
- − p/haskell-bindings-sane/debian/copyright
- − p/haskell-bindings-sane/debian/watch
- − p/haskell-bindings-uname/debian/changelog
- − p/haskell-bindings-uname/debian/copyright
- − p/haskell-bindings-uname/debian/watch
- − p/haskell-bytestring-mmap/debian/changelog
- − p/haskell-bytestring-mmap/debian/rules
- − p/haskell-bytestring-mmap/debian/watch
- + p/haskell-clash-ghc/debian/changelog

The diff was not included because it is too large.

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/haskell-team/DHG_packages/-/compare/347ff9b1de5718b0cd6c8b13ccbc344f4034876b...bbbc3831c250e26c7091ed29069118521929757c

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/haskell-team/DHG_packages/-/compare/347ff9b1de5718b0cd6c8b13ccbc344f4034876b...bbbc3831c250e26c7091ed29069118521929757c
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