Bug#803685: haskell-devscripts: Please print status messages when generating haddock documentation

Chris Lamb lamby at debian.org
Sun Nov 1 19:00:21 UTC 2015

Package: haskell-devscripts
Version: 0.9.11
Severity: wishlist
Tags: patch


If we append --verbose=2 to the call to haddock, we get a nice per-line
status of the file currently being processed instead of a single line:


  Running hscolour for yi-language-
  creating dist-ghc/doc/html/yi-language
  Preprocessing library yi-language-
  creating dist-ghc/doc/html/yi-language/src
  /usr/bin/HsColour -print-css -o[..]/hscolour.css
  /usr/bin/HsColour -css -anchor -o[..]/Yi-Buffer-Basic.html
  /usr/bin/HsColour -css -anchor -o[..]/Yi-Lexer-Abella.html
  /usr/bin/HsColour -css -anchor -o[..]/Yi-Lexer-Alex.html


This is nice for larger packages where generating the documentation can
take some time. It no more spam than the per-file ghc status messages
that we currently omit.

Patch attached.


     : :'  :     Chris Lamb
     `. `'`      lamby at debian.org / chris-lamb.co.uk
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