Bug#844598: not fixed

Ilias Tsitsimpis i.tsitsimpis at gmail.com
Fri Nov 25 15:12:05 UTC 2016

Control: reopen -1
Control: retitle -1 Linker errors when using a stack-provided ghc
Control: forwarded -1 https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/2712
Control: notfixed -1 haskell-stack/1.1.2-6

Hi Joey,

On Thu, Nov 24, 2016 at 05:01PM, Joey Hess wrote:
> Still experiencing build failures using stack until I make the
> workarounds to ghc's settings file described in this bug.
> ii  ghc            8.0.1-14     amd64        The Glasgow Haskell Compilation sy
> ii  haskell-stack  1.1.2-7      amd64        The Haskell Tool Stack
> Packages using lts-6.12 fail to build. For example,
> git://git.joeyh.name/keysafe.git

My initial understanding was that Debian's ghc was at fault here, but
now I see it is the other way around. It is the stack-provided ghc that
fails. In fact, one solution may be to use the latest ghc provided by
Debian. Of course, this is not possible for packages using lts-6.12.

I re-opened this bug, and set it to track the upstream report.



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